The following is only posted to promote discussion
Substrates is the name for compounds that make natural 'fodder' for our detoxifying enzymes. For instance trimethylamine is a natural substrate for FMO enzymes, which the enzyme will oxidize into non-smelly trimethylamine-n-oxide.
In the UK, if someone has more TMA in their urine than the tester expected, going by a set of test standards presumably decided upon by one or more testers in the UK, they are saying that the enzyme is saturated by too much TMA substrate. Consequently, it is diagnosed as secondary TMAU (example link, 2001: Diagnosis ). It is unclear if 'secondary TMAU' is tested elsewhere.
If someone smells of garlic or curry through their skin pores, you can say the enzymes involved in breaking down those compounds have been temporarily saturated. (anecdotal example 1, anecdotal example 2 )
In the case of fecal body odor, there must be a possibility that for some reason the enzymes involved are saturated by too much substrates from the gut produced by gut microbes. If this was so, you would have to assume this type of FBO must be to do with some type of dysbiosis, whether it was bacteria, parasites, or candida. However, it is significant to keep in mind that the vast majority of people with dysbiosis-type problems do not have fecal body odor. So it looks to be a 'syndrome', perhaps with a few factors being necessary. Or else some unique dysbiosis pattern.
Or perhaps a certain type of bacteria is overgrown and inhibiting one or more detox enzyme (most detox enzymes can be inhibited. FMO was regarded as being 'ininhibitable' (and probably is still taught as this in medical textbooks), but has been shown to be inhibited by brussel sprout consumption (pubmed paper ). At the moment there is no awareness of this problem and no research ongoing.
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