E-esperance and Florida State University IGEM 2024 update (IGEM competition is in Nov24) :
Had a chat with 2 members of the FSU IGEM 2024 team.
the 2 main news stories are :
E-esperance TMA-zapping probiotic project is continuing as a sort of IGEM FSU "team of 23 pre-company" project at FSU.
Most of the 23 team have left but 2 are still working on this as a post-IGEM pre-company thing (curently based at FSU ?) to hopefully become a private company.
The 2 from the 2024 team I talked to dont know much as it's not their project. Looks like it will be a liquid you take maybe 3 times a day and decide the dose etc.
This is how the conversation is recalled (could be wrong).
This years FSU IGEM 24 team's project is likely to be... a TMA breathalyzer sensor.
I guess probably will be like the Foodmarble Aire but to detect Trimethylamine.
This is for the November IGEM comp, so I guess they are at the early stages. Maybe subject to change.
TMAU / FMO3 Malodor sufferers tend to be unable to smell themselves, and neither can family (due to genetics ?) and some others (? carriers ?), so a device to monitor is a necessity really.
The idea is to maybe use it in tandem with E-esperance.
use device on waking.
set dose of E-esperance (it's a liquid).
They said wait 2 hours to eat meal (it's early days).
And maybe take e.g. 3 doses a day.
The IGEM 23 team wiki suggested it would cost maybe $10 a week, but this couldn't be confirmed in the chat.
So the 24 team are working on a TMA-breathalyzer device for the November 2024 IGEM comp.
The 24 team aren't working on E-esperance (that's a separate project). I guess long-term the 2 might become 1 project.
Hopefully these 2 projects will result in :
E-esperance TMA-zapper liquid probiotic.
a TMA Breathalyzer
No update on e-esperance was available. the 2 from the 24 team said they aren't updated much either, but may have an update in a few months. Don't think its been tried on humans yet. A I recall the concept was proven (in a dish) for the 23 IGEM conference.
E-esperance seems to be based on 3 enzymes very good at metabolizing TMA which are genetically inserted into benign E-coli bacteria, to be taken like a TMA-specific probiotic (if you want to think of it as a probiotic).
all known info on E-esperance is from the FSU IGEM 23 comp pages (which was also updated after the event).
Fantastic info that covers everything about it (until last update).