Ubiome has ceased trading
MEBO thanks Ubiome who had the right idea.
(consumer test, the people can be in charge of their health, test would evolve)
The downfall was the move into the USA health system.
update : 6sep19
get MEBO 10% discount |
link : Ubiome gut explorer page
Discount should apply internationally also.
Purchase should give $8.90 discount.
Cost should be $80.10
note : for Non-USA there are shipping costs.
Receive : Ubiome add ship cost.
Return : Need to arrange yourself, but can use cheapest airmail (e.g. postal service).
No special return service needed (i.e. can be a few days).
On Ubiome Site :
choose ONE TIME PURCHASE ($89)
at CHECKOUT use code MEBO (or mebo)
Price should change to $80.10
News 1/2
MEBO has arranged for a 10% discount for the UBIOME GUT EXPLORER (single purchase) service.
This is a good way of getting an idea of the current state of your gut microbiome.
News 2/2
This means you can send your details to the current study Danny is doing as well if you want, once you get your results.
Link : About Danny's citizen science study
More details to follow ...
choose this kit |
Does not apply to :
Gut Explorer subscription (not recommended anyhow).
5 site test.
Around January 2018 Ubiome DISABLED much of the data in GUT EXPLORER compared to SMARTGUT, including raw download, but this data now seems to be restored. So both are as good as each other for information yielded.
Irene's Gut Flora Study
MEBO helper Prof Irene Gabashvili is conducting a study on the Ubiome results in relation to the malodor community.
If you want to send your results to Irene, you can contact her by email :