Update: We have now been informed the test is on their site but costs £285 rather than the previously quoted £199.
If you live in the UK, is seems you may be able to do the trimethylaminuria urine test (a home test) without a doctor for £199 via an online test company, medichecks.com. It seems the testkit is sent out and postage and packing is included in the price.
Since no-one has likely done the test through medichecks, any unforseen problems cannot be anticipated. Keep in mind in the UK the test is normally done as a choline challenge test. It is likely the company has sourced the test from the usual testing centres in the UK (of which there are only a few), although they do have their own laboratory.
At the moment, it must be deemed unlikely that anyone has tested for TMAU using this avenue, and so anyone using the service does so on their own initiative. Normally the test done privately with a Drs referral costs around £125. Of course the test through the NHS via the NHS is done free. The big advantage with medichecks is that you can test without a doctor, and get the results sent direct.
Medichecks allow you to do many tests direct, although they do seem a bit pricey.
Update: Currently you would need to email them to get instructions how to test.
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