Last night, our women’s conference call was full of synergy and energy. We had a lot of fun, so much fun that the call lasted 3 ½ hours. I want to thank Melissa for all of her help in creating so much energy and enthusiasm during the call. It was great to have Debra from Canada on. Debra is one of the sweetest people I have ever known. Jessica brought laughter with her on the call, as she usually does on any call she participates in. Cheryl was on and really happy that she had a chance to talk to “adults” she stated. It was great talking to her on her first women’s conference call. Cheryl just joined our board, within the last month. Theresa and Ms. Trish found that they had some similar issues in common and brought some comfort to each other. (I apologize to anyone that I may have missed here.)
We discussed several interesting issues. Among those issues, we talked about therapists, and shared information regarding past experiences with them. Cheryl and Jessica discussed a work at home project. Cheryl has a lot of experience making crafts with magazines and Jessica suggested that she could experiment with shoe boxes, using them to make purses, etc. That was really interesting and Cheryl thinks she can work with the information she received. We discussed the usual topics like “friendships,” and “diet.” All in all, the conversations were great and we all had a lot of fun!
My sincere thanks to everyone that made it on the call! Honestly, I felt a divine moment or two pass as we talked and giggled late into the night. I am sure that most of us were exhausted, but the experience was so totally worth it! Anytime we can come together and share our hurts, triumphs, desires, etc., it is truly a divine situation, in that no one else can understand us, like we can understand each other. I look forward to the next call and I hope that we will have even more women on the call.
Cheers and Best Wishes,
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