The London meetup begins tomorrow (Saturday), in the same week that the first person has done the 4 tests for the MeBO-Biolab gut dysbiosis study. Coincidentally, Biolab Medical Unit is also in Central London, where the meetup is taking place (Thames Festival). We are grateful to Biolab Medical Unit for agreeing to co-operate with us in this study that hopes to act as a template to online communities of health problems ... and also to the volunteers, who are paying out of their own pockets for the tests. Currently 5 have shown an interest.
The tests chosen (indicans urine test, d-lactate blood test, gut permeability test, and gut fermentation test) all have to do with potential aspects of gut dysbiosis, which many feel may be a factor in their fecal/gas or other types of systemic body odor or halitosis. The indicans test is a test for an indigo chemical produced by overgrowth of bacteria feeding off the amino acid tryptophan. It is thought to perhaps suggest overgrowth of protein-eating bacteria. The d-lactate test is a test for d-lactic acidosis. D-lactate is produced by lactic acid bacteria, normally a beneficial type of bacteria (such as lactobacillus acidophilus), but too much can produce d-lactate acidosis. Recently a chronic fatigue expert suggested this may be a cause of chronic fatigue syndrome. The gut fermentation test tests for a number of alcohols and fatty acids that are regarded as metabolites of bacteria or fungal fermentation in the small intestine. In the case of fungal metabolites, it tests for ethanol, which is thought to only be produced by yeast fermentation of sugars in humans. Biolab's test is regarded by many as the 'gold standard' fungal dysbiosis test. It also tests for other alcohols associated with bacterial fermentation, and fatty acids normally produced by good bacteria. The gut permeability test tests current gut absorption function, and also for 'leaky gut'. It is hoped from the results of these tests, that we can perhaps conclude at least whether those with fecal body odor and/or halitosis seem to mostly/always have leaky gut in particular, and also whether fungal dysbiosis in particular is a common issue. It must be remembered if both are implicated, that those who 'smell' are only a small subset of the people who have fungal dysbiosis or leaky gut.
There is also a possibility that someone may do a more thorough Biolab profile of tests, with MeBO paying some of the costs. However, as good as this profile would be, it should not be seen as the 'final word' on defining metabolic body odor, since Biolab only do a limted range of tests. Also, the profile would be very speculative, since it is not known what exactly to look for at this stage, and currently only areas of testing can be guessed at (such as B vitamins, gut dysbiosis, detox function etc). We are literally trying to define and profile the problem of fecal (systemic) body odor and/or halitosis and this is only the first stage.
The study hopes to provide some clues into the problem of fecal/gas body odor and other body odors and to stimulate interest, but also hopes to act as a template as to what can be achieved by an online community nowadays. The study will not conclusively prove the cause of fecal body odor in itself, but it hopes to act as starting point of a full range of studies to finally define the problem of fecal body odor, as well as look for cures. It especially hopes to be evidence to researchers, and to raise awareness of this problem, as well as highlight the numbers concerned. The only current diagnosis for metabolic body odor on offer by the medical system is TMAU, which many feel does not fully explain their problem.
The form to test in MeBO-Biolab Gut Dysbiosis Study is here :
MeBO-Biolab gut dysbiosis in body odor or halitosis study form-REVISED
The London meetup and the start of the MeBO-Biolab gut dysbiosis study hopefully points to a brighter future to anyone with this problem. Let the London meetup begin ...
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