In the UK a the moment, 2 journalists are looking for TMAU volunteers to do articles on. At this stage, it is not known what medium the stories will appear on.
Natalie Lisbona at is looking for an 18-40 year old TMAU female who has not appeared in a TMAU media story before. If you want to find out further details or apply you can contact her through her website : TMAU media story opportunity
Update from Natalie :
Ideally it will be for a magazine and a newspaper but never say never to TV.
If it's a younger woman, in her 20's, it opens up more media potentials for us but obviously it depends on who comes back to you.Yes they will get paid, again depending on the publication and if they appear in more than one then obviously the fee doubles.
I will also put any support group into the article as a way of thanking you for your help, just please let me know the details.
Kindest regards
Also, the forum owner of has been contacted by a different journalist looking for a TMAU volunteer. Details can be seen on the website
Any volunteers should remember they are relying on the journalist as to how the article turns out, and it is a risk. It is not known if a fee is given.