What do you think are your health complaints of the list below ? (tick one or more)
Regular readers may have noticed our polls tend to recede in number rather than increase. This seems to have been caused by a bug in google's blogger coding but after a few years the problem seems to have been recently fixed. The polls were intended as eye-catching 'vox-pop' surveys to quickly catch the attention of any passing experts or decision-makers. It was hoped our polls including fecal body odor would publicise what among society would be a never before heard problem. Unfortunately with the poll going backwards we deleted the old poll and started anew, only for the second poll to go backwards after a while. It is likely that over 1500 people took part in our main poll.
Even amongst our own community there seems a wide range of beliefs as to the source of their own problem, mainly due to the fact that normally the sufferer cannot smell themselves and so are probably not the best to give testimony of their own problem. Judging by the posts in the forums, an attempt has been made to list the various 'disorders' our community regards as their problem. As well as the range of odor problems, our community even includes a disorder that sufferers feel may not emit an offensive odor but that people may be allergic to. We make no judgment of the 'list' of disorders. It is merely an attempt to see how many feel they have each disorder.
With the polls seemingly working correctly, we may be taking a renewed interest in polling as a means to help ourselves understand our disorders and to act as eye-catching evidence to anyone who may be able to help us.