Let's give Cheryl the opportunity to tell our story on CNN iReport by us telling CNN that we support the vetting of her show. Please show support for Cheryl's iReport: Rare Diseases Day (World Coverage) by going to www.ireport.cnn.com/explore.jspa, scroll to the bottom of Cheryl's story, and Click on "This belongs on CNN". Please ask family and friends to do the same.
There are various ways to show support, and in this case, a simple registering with CNN iReport and clicking on a tab to support this effort goes a long way. Your comments to CNN are also influential.
Cheryl has written to various organizations asking for support for her CNN iReport and for the Fifth International Rare Disease Day, organized by EURORDIS, Rare Disease Europe. She asks them to write a quote about TMAU patients and the social difficulties that may face TMAU victims. She may need our support as well in this effort in the near future, so please standby ready to tell your story when the time comes. It would be greatly appreciated!
IDEA: "A group that has a rare disease that makes it almost impossible for them to have a social life or find employment wants to be featured in the media and hopes CNN will air their story during Rare Diseases Day, in February 2012. The group would like 2-3 people to appear on tv, telling their stories about the discrimination and frustration they have endured, while having this rare disease, that affects about 1%-3% of the population. The majority of the patients are African American, and since February is National Black History month, the group may be able to kill two birds with one stone?"
The group hopes to gain exposure, acceptance, and who knows even job offers. Once CNN did a story on a man with severe facial disfigurements and before the show was over that man had folks calling into the CNN station offering him employment, medical treatments, and donations!
A Public Charity
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I Clicked the "This should be on CNN" button. Just needed to do a quick registration, which was anonymous.
Takes less than 1 min of your time.