NTI provides Quality Virtual Staffing
What kinds of work-at-home jobs does NTI develop for people with disabilities?
About 85% of the jobs NTI develops are for customer service agents for federal agencies or commercial companies operating telephone call centers. Individuals hired as customer service agents use personal computers, high-speed Internet connections, phone lines, and telephone headsets to answer telephone calls from their homes.
Depending upon the organization the agents work for, they might do any of the following:
- Accept orders for federal publications,
- Answer questions about store products,
- Handle billing questions for a cell phone company
- Provide technical support for Internet service providers
The remaining 15% of the jobs NTI develops are in medical transcription, quality control monitoring, government survey work, business-to-business telemarketing, or miscellaneous areas.
got this from Jase. Gonna certainly clean up the resume. Thanks folks !