David Gregory-Kumar, Science & Environment correspondent, BBC News filmed an interview of Steve Rawlings, Director of Odegon Technologies, Ltd, and it was aired on the local Midlands news on April 11, 2013. Steve recently emailed me a link to the YouTube copy of the BBC interview (embedded above), a link to the article, "Telford company invents patches to tacle body odour" on the BBC News Shropshire webpage, and to the more expanded interview, "Declassified technology tackles smelly feet" on the BBC News England website.
It seems like just the other day that Steve contacted MEBO Research back in 2010 to tell us about his plans to develop patches based on fabrics used by the military in gas masks, diving and chemical and biological warfare suits - technology which is now being declassified.
[Having personally] worked in uniforms and the defence industry in the 1980s and it occurred to him then that some of the fabrics he was using with the military might be useful elsewhere. In particular, he wondered if the materials he was experimenting with in deep sea diving suits might have civilian applications. Once things were declassified, and with his son looking to start a business, it was a short step to creating an iron-on patch to tackle smelly feet and whiffy armpits.
David Gregory-Kumar, BBC Correspondent
We are very excited to hear of the success of his development and marketing of these patches, and happy to see that he is still very interested in helping our community. He knows that we are a community who have medical conditions resulting in a much stronger body odor than the general public. Steve tells me that he and his son,
They have also created an odour product for shoes that is being sold under Boots' own brand. They are also looking at a large order from a well known airline and are very hopeful other shops will put in orders in the future.
...genuinely want to help [our community] in whatever way we can. We are at the experimental stage only, but may have something ready within the next six months.
Our international community is very diverse in terms of symptoms and needs. Some suffer from trimethylaminuria (TMAU) with odor in the neck, upper chest, and back areas, while others suffer from bromhidrosis in the axillae, groin, feet, and scalp. While many suffer from breath halitosis released through the mouth or nose, which unfortunately these patches cannot control, most also suffer from body odor, which the patch can potentially help with, even if only for a certain period of time throughout the day.
In many cases, the patches may be a supportive tool for sufferers who are on an odor-management protocol involving consumption of activated charcoal and copper chlorophyllin, for example. Just like scientists have not discovered the one and only therapeutic that will totally control symptoms, the patch alone may not be as effective as it would be when used as part of a comprehensive odor-management protocol.
One of the most significant adverse consequence of living with an odor condition is underemployment or unemployment. As one would imagine, people with this condition are underemployed or unemployed because from the moment a sufferer enters the office, he or she brings the odor with him or her. If this product can at least help delay the onset of detectable symptoms during a work day, then perhaps the odor would not be noticeable until towards the end of the workday, which could make a tremendous difference in a one's careers. In fact, the sufferer might determine that he or she will simply need to change the patches in the middle of the work day, and thus be odor-free for the rest of the day as well. Just this factor alone will empower sufferers with greater control to "get their life back" with an opportunity to provide for themselves and their families.

Founder and Executive Director

A Public Charity
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Has anyone used this product?
Back in 2010, a group of MEBO voluteers in the US and South America, who were involved in providing feedback to Odegon, signed a confidentiality agreement in which they committed to not comment on the product that was in its initial research phase. To clarify, the technology used by the military was not being studied, but rather, how it could be applied to help our community. After our volunteers gave their feedback and recommendations, Odegon continued to design it. Their first phase was to introduce it to the general public, through M&S and Boots, as mentioned in my post and in the BBC interview.
As we speak here, FedEx is bringing us 2 sample garments, still in an experimental stage for persons with medical conditions. We already have two volunteers at the Memphis meetup that will try it out for us, and we'll have a display of the product at the meetup. This is why Steve tells us that he will have the final product for us in approximately six months. He has dedicated a great deal of attention to our community. He knows that the odor levels of odors produced by medical conditions are very challenging, but so is the threat of chemical and biological warfare. The technology is there, it's just a matter of designing a product that works for sufferers. That's where we're at right now.
Awsome!!!!!!!!!!! That's really all we need to not feel like giving up, just knowing there are good non judgemental people who are willing to believe us, let alone try to help us, does make all the difference.........thank you to everyone......
nothing works in my case. spend too much money on deo, clothing and herbal solutions. i even had a surgery to cut off my sweat glands. i don't sweat but theres still the smell coming out of my pores. so it's basically every part of my body. smells varried depends on what i ate which is anything and everything. i quit my job and i'm hurting right now financially. but my biggest worry r my kids. my 16 yr old boy is starting to have it. and my 3 yr old boys feet sweat and smell so bad while his head and armpit perspire. can you help me?
Hi Anonymous (May 14, 2013 at 2:35pm),
Thank you for your comment. I was in the process of writing a post about the initial 30 responses to the survey when you wrote this comment. http://www.bloodbornebodyodorandhalitosis.com/2013/05/responses-mebo-informal-survey-for.html
Please keep your comments coming, everyone! We would love to hear what you have to say.