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The MEBO Research TMAU urine test program was launched in June 2012, and 172 tests have been analyzed. The results of Batch #8 TMAU urine tests were received on January 31, 2014, and all the individuals tested received their respective results within two days after MEBO received all the results in a spreadsheet from the lab.
Of the 15 samples in Batch #8, three were indicative of Primary TMAU (TMAU1) and four of Secondary TMAU (TMAU2), as compared to Batch #7, which had only one TMAU1 and five TMAU2. The results of each batch seem to be different from each other. The more tests are performed, the better we get a clearer picture of averages.
As noted in the comparison chart, which presents the highest to lowest figures per category, TMA, TMAO, TMA/TMAO Ratio, the following are the averages of all the results of 172 tests:
Secondary TMAU (TMAU2) Positives: 28.49% (49 of 172)
TOTAL TMAU POSITIVE: 36.62% (63 of 172)
TOTAL NEGATIVE FOR TMAU: 63.37% (109 of 172)
*Please note that 4 of the 14 TMAU1 positive results are repeats by the same people who wanted to see if TMA decreased with the TMAU odor-managment protocol. Even though their TMA levels decreased, the TMA/TMAO Ratio remained in the Above Normal Range, and thus indicative of Primary TMAU. Therefore, Primary TMAU, consisting mostly of genetic causes, is still considered a rare disorder with 5% or less (5 in 10,000 people).
The only way to confirm the genetic form of TMAU originally positive urine test is with a DNA test. See article written by Drs. Elizabeth Shephard and Ian Phillips, "Differential Diagnosis" in NCBI, NIH pages.
Although it took longer to get the test results for Batch#8 due to extreme arctic weather conditions in the Eastern and Midwestern US this winter, thankfully, no samples were damaged, thanks to the care and patience of everyone involved.
For more information, please see all the posts in this blog regarding, the TMAU Test Results.
How to test for TMAU with MEBO :
after initial payment of test & round trip shipping
María de la Torre
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