StankGirlDiaries is a Youtube user who is using Youtube to blog about her Trimethylaminuria (TMAU). This brave young lady started posting videos over the last few days and has already posted 3, which greatly help to raise awareness of TMAU.
Trimethylaminuria. Genetics Home Reference. January 2013;
Phillips I, Shephard E. Trimethylaminuria. GeneReviews. April 19, 2011;
Professor Elizabeth Shephard's Presentation for the Miami Beach Meetup/Conference 2012 - Pharmacogenetics & Personalized Medicine
Professor Elizabeth Shephard TMAU/FMO3 slideshow presentation, Trimethylaminuria and FMO3 metabolic enzyme,for the MEBO Washington DC Conference 2011
You can also read the 11 posts written on the MEBO Blog under Label, 'TMAU management protocol.' Scroll down to the last one (first posted) and proceed to read the newer posts.
I have TMAU Type 2 and I was cured with a course of Fluconazole.
Unfortunatly the symptoms came back after having Antibiotics.
If you are having trouble being diagnosed it may be that you need to have a high choline intake before being tested. or it may be that you have a different disorder such as DMG (Dimethylglycine).
Good Luck
Hope this helps