The following are papers the new MEBO Mental Health Director has written for our community:
We all have been there, some of us admit it and some of us are ashamed to admit it. Fact is that a lot of us have experienced thoughts about suicide. Feelings and thoughts of suicides can occur when you feel hopeless, helpless and feel that there is not solution for your problems. The anguish, distress and pain is becoming bigger than your ability to cope with the situation. The only way out might seem like committing suicide... (Click on icon to see paper)
Work and Trimethylaminuria
Valuable tips for finding and keeping a job with Trimethylaminuria
Author: Crissan Rosalia
Mental Health Director, MSc. Health Psychology
Having a job when you have a malodor condition like Trimethylaminuria (TMAU), is not always easy. For people with TMAU, working can be very stressful. This is because sufferers are worried about offending their coworkers, they also worry constantly about getting fired due to their symptoms. Sometimes sufferers are bullied and harassed, which can create a tense work environment in which they feel powerless, depressed and anxious. Despite all of these factors, having a job can be very beneficial. These benefits can actually be regarded as protective factors which can increase the health and wellbeing, even of patients with malodor conditions...(Click on icon to see paper)
Worksheet 1.1 Working conditions
This chart is an overview of several possible work conditions you might consider when applying for job or when you already have a job and want to evaluate or negotiate with your supervisor. Each column has a color, Green= YES, ideal job condition, Yellow= Maybe or negotiable, these are conditions you might consider or are optional, Red= NO or deal breaker, these are conditions that are not favorable. You can add your own conditions as well!
What type of work would you like to do?
Do you have the necessary qualifications (diploma’s, certificates and work experience) to apply for this job? If you don’t, what steps can you take to become eligible for the job you want to apply for?
On a scale of one to ten how motivated are you to keep working or start with a new job?
Are you willing to talk about your health condition at work ?

Mental Health Director

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