for UK readers ...
Vicky Foxcroft MP (UK .. Labour).
Shadow Minister for the Disabled.
Looking for ideas to form Disabled Policy UK.
UK readers can write (?)
You need to upload a text file
Vicky Foxcroft (UK MP ... Labour) is the UK Shadow Minister for Disabled People.
It seems she is looking for ideas to form Labour Policy on Disabled issues.
UK readers could therefore probably fill in this form about TMAU/FMO3/Metabolic Malodor etc.
Like most politicians, they are not very tech-savvy, and so you will need to upload a text-file rather than just fill an online form.
Using a PC (Windows), you could use Wordpad.
For Android or Iphone you may need to use a text-file app.
TMAU is probably the most referred 'disorder' to Adult Metabolic Units, yet Vicky won't have heard of it, as no-one has told her.
Metabolic Units test the referrals for TMAU, 90% will be (false) negative, so they will log that it's not a big problem, plus its trivial compared to all the other disorders they see.
It's a chance to get TMAU on her radar at least.
The chances of anything useful happening from it (other than awareness) are pretty slim, but better than nothing, and who knows ?
Estaría bien hacer comentarios hacerca de tmau y demás tipos de malos olores para que el mundo se entere de que está henfermedad existe ,
Esto va dirigido con todo respeto a usted María , necesitamos a alguien que nos oriente y dirija para tratar de hacer un cambio y talvez alguien intenté ayudarnos