Throughout human history, there are seemingly countless remedies and treatments passed down from generation to generation. A very long list of articles have been written by experts from different fields of health approaches on digestive health, but very few, if any, give serious attention and discussion exactly how the digestive system affect body odor and halitosis. On May 11, 2009, MEBO Research posted in this blog an interview conducted with Cass Nelson-Dooley, Clinical Consultant at Metametrix, with contributions by Mr. Tony Hoffman.
In Part 1 and Part 2 of the interview, questions were asked with the sole purpose of trying to determine what it is about our digestive system that could be causing, or at the very least contributing to the various types of body odor and halitosis. The readers of this blog are encouraged to read these posts and to write comments below on any additional scientific/medical source that further discusses involving the opinion of professionals.
Many sufferers describe their odor to be fecal, so we asked Cass Nelson-Dooley about that. She replies,
The smell of feces comes from short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and bacteria like E. coli. All the SCFAs have strong smells. Butyric acid is an SCFA and it smells like feces and even like body odor. E .coli has more of a mousy odor.
Cass also gives her opinion about the use of probiotics and prebiotics.
When asked if there is a general treatment advice, she refers to the
Not all people react the same to probiotics because it depends on their microbial populations. When a person has a poor diet (high simple sugars, low fiber), taking probiotics can produce gas. However, this usually goes away with time. If the patient increases complex carbs and decreases simple sugars that often decreases any gas and bloating brought on by the probiotic. When there are unexplained reactions to probiotics or prebiotics, it is a good idea to run an Organix test, a GI Effects test, or food antibody test to identify underlying imbalances.
I think the “4R Protocol” is the most general treatment advice and it’s comprehensive, but every doctor has a different approach and dysbiosis treatment should be tailored to the patient…
Remove offending foods, medications, gluten (if sensitive) and reduce poor quality fats, refined carbohydrates, sugars, and fermented foods (if yeast is present). Consider antimicrobial, antifungal, and/or antiparasitic therapies in the case of opportunistic/pathogenic bacterial, yeast, and/or parasite overgrowth (see below for specific recommendations).
Replace what is needed for normal digestion and absorption such as betaine HCl, pancreatic enzymes, herbs that aid in digestion such as deglycyrrhizinated licorice and marshmallow root, dietary fiber, and water.
Reinoculate with favorable microbes (probiotics such as Lactobacillus sp., Bifidobacter sp., and Saccharomyces boulardii). To enhance the growth of the favorable bacteria, supplement with prebiotics such as inulin, xylooligosaccharides, larch arabinogalactans, beta glucan, and fiber.
Repair mucosal lining by giving support to healthy intestinal mucosal cells, goblet cells, and to the immune system. Consider L-glutamine, essential fatty acids, zinc, pantothenic acid and vitamin C.
Final question: Is stool DNA testing likely to be as good as stool microbial testing will get?
I think DNA analysis in stool testing is an enormous leap forward in technology. In the Manual of Clinical Microbiology they state, “PCR is the best developed and most widely used nucleic acid amplification strategy…These techniques have sensitivity unparalleled in laboratory medicine, have created new opportunities for the clinical laboratory to have an effect on patient care and have become the new ‘gold standards’ for laboratory diagnosis of several infectious diseases.” With DNA analysis, we are seeing the microbial population with more sensitivity and specificity than ever before. Doctors and scientists trained on the older culture techniques have to view DNA results with a fresh perspective. I think that stool microbial testing will continue to evolve and improve in ways that we can scarcely imagine today.

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In another article I had read probiotics with sacharides are not best for the condition how do we analyse such information and what alternatives are there
I have consulted with two gastroenterologists and gastroenterologist nurse practitioners, and all of them recommended Align Probiotics, and it is my understanding that it is the #1 Gastroenterologists Recommend in the US.
I don't know if it contains sacharides, but I wonder what is more important in this effort, a little sacharide that will be eliminated by the whole body, or the bacteria that will implant itself in the gut and grow to create a more desirably balanced gut microflora???
Dr. Lachmann says in his webinar posted in the RareConnect site,, and in this blog with transcription of some excerpts, that it is not necessary to spend a great deal of money on expensive probiotics or even to take it for a long time because some of the less expensive ones do the trick anyways and once colonized in the gut, they will grow on their own.
"We can intervene again to try to change the balance of the bacteria in the gut away from those that produce TMA with hopefully the bacteria that don’t. This is where the role of probiotics comes in, with probiotic bacteria preparations, like Bifidobacterium, acidopholus, lactobacillus, and we know that they don’t produce TMA, so at this point after the antibiotics, when we have a gap in the gut flora, we get people to actually take probiotics, and then those probiotics will quickly fill up that space that we’ve made. Once the glass [gut] is full again, there isn’t room for the other bacteria to divide so quickly with luck, we’ll be able to get a long-lasting alteration in the gut flora so that there are fewer of the TMA-producing bacteria. And if at the same time you are following a diet that is low in choline, you are feeding them less choline, and these two approaches, the diet and probiotics, will work together to bring down the levels of TMA, or at least we hope that they will. "(17:12)
There are some dairy free probiotics, or vegetable probiotics, and a whole range to select from. Again, I raise the question of the long-term benefits of this reinoculation treatment compared to the short-term obstacles of it containing sacharides, dairy ingredients, or vegetable ingredients, etc.
For fecal body odors that may result from feces or intestinal bacteria, I have found taking pepto bismol eliminates bowel movement odors temporarily. When diagnosed with h pylori you are prescribed large doses several times a day for a couple of weeks along with metronidazole and an antacid like prevacid.obvioulsy make sue you do not have a health condition that would make large doses of peto bismol dangerous to you and make sure the dose is correct. I believe pepto bismol may contain acedaminafine (spellin? Like tylenol) or something similar and could cause bleeding?????? Not sure?????????
I read that pepto bismouth may absorb sulfur gases and possibly decrease odors. I find pepto bisouth is the only thing that has provided me decreased odor. Kayopectate may work too. I tryed diet changes and pre and probiotics and metrozinadole without symptom relief.
I read that pepto bisouth may absorb sulfur gasses, which may decrease odors.
I have researched topics online after reading this post. I do experience marked decrease in odor after consuming pepto bismouth. And my odor does increase after eating sulfur containing foods especially eggs. I am going to find a specialist to consult with, perhaps my clinic doctor is not aware of all sulfur metobolic conditions and how to properly test for them. I tested negative for tmau. I am not able to comment about pre and probiotics, except I have not experienced odor relief using them.
One question I wonder about is..... if body odor begins in early chilhood and remains persistant for 30 years.......and the gut bacteria changes constantly due to diet medication probiotics age pregnancy illness surgeory etc do the odor causing bacteria remain at such life crippling levels????? I read it can take 6 months to a year and in some people years or never for diet changes to affect gut microbes. Antibiotic use makes the body vulnerable to desease, and probiotics do not always fill the space. Taking antibiotics will leave us vulnerable to desease and drug store probiotics are not always affective, not always regulated and monitored for quality assurance and affectivness. Maybe align is most reccoended but can you assure us it will fill the space???? If align does not fill the space from antibiotic use we are suceptable to further damage within our gut...
Can you be 100% sure align will fill in the space after antibiotic use????? It is believed excessive chemical cleaners hand sanitizers fear of germs cleaning necessary microbes away and antibiotics may be causing allergies immune deficiencies metabolic disorders etc.....not just poor unless organic meats fruits veggies uts contain antibiotics and pesticides and chemicals and hormones..most suffers have little to no income and can not afford erfectly healthy organic foods, as processed and sugar etc are not the only negative factors with food that may contribute to odor producing gut bacteria....
Hi Anonymous,
Your questions are very valid. In fact, I believe there are some NIH-funded research projects aimed at identifying as many microorganisms in the human gut microflora as possible. As a result, they have achieved initial findings indicating that certain microbes are contributing, if not causing, obesity, and possibly other medical conditions. Since obesity is currently one of the most targeted topics in medical research, there is some funding out there for studies in gut microbiome. Of interest to our community, there is a very strong need to identifying the specific microorganisms that produce odorous chemicals in the gut and seep into the bloodstream.
Unfortunately, I have not heard of any significant organized grant-funded study currently conducted by a reputable investigator who is actually targeting a gut microbiome study SPECIFIC TO BODY ODOR CONDITIONS. Some sufferers have submitted their stool samples to some labs, just like some sufferers have given samples to 23AndMe to get a DNA analysis, but since the results are not analyzed by a scientist who is specifically carrying out a study focused on body odor conditions, the gut microflora or the DNA test results don’t really give each sufferer who tests any helpful information to help treat the condition.
For the past year, it has been MEBO’s top priority to work with a reputable research group that is dedicated specifically to develop a targeted designed exploratory study of sufferers’ gut microbiota to identify the cause(s) of body/breath odor, under the direction of a qualified chief investigartor taken a great deal of time to get this type of research study up and running, but like I said, it is MEBO’s top priority right now, and we won’t give up pursuing this objective. We NEED to get exact and precise answers to the influence of gut microflora to truly understand its direct cause of body/breath odor, and therefore, we cannot give up on this quest.
Meanwhile, unfortunately, all we have is the information experts currently do know, though limited, and they tell us that some microorganisms are much stronger than others (survival of the fittest), and just won’t die. They may even go into some kind of “hibernation” when threatened by their environment, but they’re really not dead. Since their life span is so short, their evolutionary process is much more accelerated than the human evolutionary process. Some microbes are evolving to become antibiotic-resistant. Diet, chemicals and hormones in foods, medicines, and everything you refer to definitely affect the gut microflora in this rapid evolutionary process, and the whole realm of microorganisms is a very complex and intricate ecosystem. It changes as each microbe’s evolutionary process unfolds, some become extinct, others stronger or evolve to behave differently, etc., i.e., some become antibiotic resistant. It’s just a much faster evolutionary process than that of larger living organisms (plants and animals) because each microbe’s life is so much shorter, but they keep reproducing. Much more research is most definitely needed on this.
Thank you. The difficult part is everyones suggestions are valid in some situations, everyones findings and research are as well, but without diagnosis we are guessing and trying suggestions that may not apply to us. Maybe its sulfur, maybe yeast, maybe its meat protien, maybe lactose intolerance, maybe bacteria. Health care in this country is not accecable, cost of health insurance and copays are very high. I could cut food groups out per suggestions, but my problem could be a different food group, or not food related at all and maybe not bacterial at all. Thank you for all you are doing. I too read that through a stool sample scientists can know if I am skinny or overweight. I just hope some people from outside the suffer community read the blogs and realize this is not all as simple as it seems, maybe hey will judge less and make assumptions about suffers less. I hope you know I am not judgeing or questioning or having negative responses to anything you all do to help us. If we could change it with diet changes antibiotics and a shower we would, people outside the community need to know that. If they stop posting nasty negative comments and read the blogs they will know.
I have sent stool samples myself. Some of the most important discoveries happened by accident and while doing something unrelated.. indiegogo is testing random people not condition specific samples samples so my stool sample willcontribute to better understanding of microbes. We do not know who's condition may benefit the most from testing but that is not important. If we all help each other eventually they will, even if accidently, find common denominators and odor producing causes. I paid $99 for stool testing. It may not directly benefit me right now, but it helps researchers of all kinds of different conditions.finding common and uncommon denominators is one important goal for indiegogo and other researchers. Maybe autism, diabetes or heart conditions will benefit before odor conditions, but I'm o.k with that. Eventually it will all come back around to our community and benefit us.
First of all, i am elated that there are already currently 10 comments in this post. I love seeing community involvement and sharing ideas so that we may apply critical thinking to each step of the journey to find answers. So please keep them coming.
I agree that the most frustrating conundrum our community faces is how to apply all the theories out there about what the cause is of the various conditions to then figure out which protocol each individual should follow. Yes, we know that so much research is needed sooner than later, but what to do meanwhile. If we read everyone’s opinions and take them to heart, we would only be able to drink water! Some say you can’t have carbs, others say choline or protein, others say dairy products, and others say that green vegetables produce odor, while others say that sweets (and some even include fruits), feeds some microorganism, etc... Well, what does that leave us???
After consulting with a dietician, gastroenterologist, and having read about some of the diets out there, the first thing I recommend is for every sufferer to do the TMAU test, if for no other reason, to rule out the one and only systemic body odor condition identified scientifically, as opposed to odor produced by known diseases. I wonder how sufferers arrive at a self-diagnosis when they claim their odor is always present? Knowing that the olfactory system can become saturated and consequently can’t identify an odor, sufferers may believe they have no odor when in fact, the odor is at its strongest. If results are positive, we have a clear explanation of the appropriate diet provided in the 1 ½ hour webinar given by Dr. Robin Lachmann and 2 dietitians, Charlotte ellerton and Heidi Chan, Therefore, I believe that each and every sufferer should test for TMAU, if for no other reason, to rule it out.
Then, for the remaining 70% of sufferers that will get a negative result in their TMAU test, I recommend that NO ONE go on an unhealthy diet that deprives the body for any of the essential nutrients. To do so unfoundedly – without a diagnosis, is simply irresponsible because in essence, doing so will only do more harm than good. In fact, going on a starvation diet causes another type of breath/body odor, compounding the odor condition. From what I’ve read in professional journals and what experts tell us in their interviews, powerpoint presentations, and webinars, we rarely (almost never) have a totally absent metabolic enzyme in any given pathway, and even those who have TMAU can eat some choline, which will ultimately be metabolized by the deficient enzymes. The same holds true for other foods metabolized by some other metaboloic pathway.
I also agree to avoid foods that have chemicals, are extremely processed, simple sweets (do not give up fruits), and instead should eat organic foods, as opposed to hormone and antibiotic fed meats, etc. Natural is best because it doesn’t require that the FMO3 enzyme have to metabolize unnecessary chemicals, and to help the gut microflora not become polluted, which may alter the ecosystem, as any pollution causes our larger ecosystems (ocean, forest, wilderness, etc.)
Even though the post I wrote, “What to eat on TMAU low choline diet,” based on what a dietitian and gastroenterologist told me, the concept of the ‘right sized portion plate’ focusing on the food groups should be the rule of thumb for all sufferers, with some minor modifications depending on individual sufferer’s the main odor triggers and medical conditions. Even diabetics are encouraged to try to maintain a well-balanced diet. There’s no need for excessive protein-rich foods, high-carb foods, or anything excessive in place of other nutrients.
Sadly, this is all we have to work with while we wait for research results. This is my opinion.
I know I have a constant presence of odor because family friends coworkers employers strangers, young children wo mean no harm but innocently speak all tell me that I do...thousands of different olfactory systems throughout my life. Not a single person has ever said. NO there is no odor or I can't smell you......I live a FULL life I've been in all social situations exposed to tons of people.they tell me I am never odor on space no one olfactory system no one nose......sometimes I ask people. Other times people tell me other times people comment or tease.....I am not guessing or forming an many suffers can say this???????? I live a full life along with all the other people. I've travelled the USA and dozens of other countries, I'm an adrenaline junky, I love having fun. Exposure to all these different people in different situations is how I know the odor is always present. However the type of odor is always changing unpredictably. Skunk, cigar, decaying animal, garlic, sweet smells, fecal etc.......I'm not sure why its constantly changing. Maybe because all noses percieve it differently but no because all noses sy they percieve the same smell at the same time frame eve when I move to an entirely different location around entirely different people......
My hats off to you, I congratulate your valor and determination to take ownership of your life, as opposed to letting an odor condition dominate it!
I can go to a mall hear people say the smell cigars leave and immediartely go to a movie theater and again hear people say the smell cigars...go grocery shopping hear people say they smell garlic leave go to the library hear people say they smell garlic..the odor changes daily but people always comment the same odor type no matter where I go o who goes near noses all seem to percieve the odors the same...olfactory issues never seem to impact people percieving the odor...I tested negative for tmau and all infections and std's and shower twice a day and yes I know how to shower yet a fish smell is one I have a lot??????
I tested the olfactry theory....I wake up shower clean....smell my odor as a specfic type garlic fish cigar decayed animal etc.then go onto different crowded spaces of people and wait to hear coments..and the comments I hear are the same odor I was smelling....I'm not afraid of comments.. I am who I am and I am exploring life and my bucketlist checked off, sky diving, parasailing, cruises, train tours, wine tasting restaurants...people are nice and include me, confident polite people can be accepted regardless by some people, not all people though. very few people are ever cruel to me...but I listen for comments...I ask strangers if they smell it and what it smells like..sounds odd but it provides me with can a specfic microbe change odor types??? Maybe that is the food component??? Maybe different foods change the odor type?????? Or leves of metabolic things like tma levels or something we have yet to find??????
I do smell the odor MOST of the time.....interstingly enough when I think yes finally an odor free second someone tells me I smell like iscthe fishy smell that I almost never can smell...I tested negative for tmau..once a youngcteenage store clerk grabbed a fish off the ice counter and made fun of me to other teenage clerks in the store....all other types of odor I can smell but not the fishy one....I tested very much negative for tmau...not even boarderline at all...I told the store clerk his parents must be so proud...he immediately stopped the behavior..std and infection tests negative and gynocological exams all negative for infections too......
It is so very difficult when we have no idea what the cause may be. That's why we just keep on looking for answers. If we stop, we'll never know.
I am going on a 2 week diet of only Boost nutrition shakes....first I will do a bowel cleanse and a round of antibiotics..and while on the boost diet i will take prebiotics and align probiotics...I tested negative for tmau. I'm curious if 2 weeks of only boost nutrition shakes will make a doctor said my health is good so its safe for me to do so. I will let you know if I notice any difference. It is a safe way to cut all foods out. And see exacly what is in the Boost shake on the ingredients label, which includes Artificial colors and flavors, sugars, choline, sulfur etc. I am not going to consume any foods, drinks or chewing gum for 2 weeks.
I used the same cleanse thatcis to be used before a colonoscopy yesterday. Today I began the all boost nutrition shake diet. Along with fiber, extra water, prebiotics and align probiotics, and pepto bismol tablets, the bowels are designed to have solid foods so extra fiber and water are needed to keep the bowels moving.. I decided to try without the use of antibiotics. I am consuming 3,000 calories a day using boost nutrition shakes. I am underweight. I plan to do this for 2 weeks, without putting any other food drink or chewing gum in my body. I will let everyone know if I notice a change in odor. Again I tested negative for tmau...and boost does contain choline so its not recommended for tmau suffers.
Maybe a placebo affect but after changing my diet to boost, water, align probiotic, and pepto bismol, and a colon cleanse I feel better. Gas and bloating are gone already completly. My doctor did warn about the sugar in boost though, as he tested for yeast and believes I have high yeast levels, I am changing fromm boost to boost glycemic control and glucerna, and starting on Diflucan. The sulfur odor is gone already. I do not know if I have odor today, I will wait to hear peoples comments when I leave the house, but I can't smell anything now. Its only been a day. But I think this may indicate a food source causing some symptoms. Hope fully I eradicate yeast and bring my good bacteria levels up to a healthy level...then see if I still have odors. My doctor said this will take time..........but that is my goal, and my experiment,
I have not taken the diflucan yet. I'm debating. I have had this problem this long already, diflucan kills good bactera too...I think I may try 2 weeks of boost glycose control and probiotics first to see what happens, and maybe take the diflucan after the 2 weeks is up. There are so many components that could be a factor. I think I may find answers sooner if I keep it simple for now. Later decide if I'll take diflucan and later decide which foods I can put back in my diet......for now I'm not taking antibiotics or diflucan.
Its day 3 of my boost diet..I feel incredible...I'm no longer having contstant gas and bloating its negative side affets no food cravings...I'm just a tinyvbit hungry..I need to drink a can of boost every hour....I can not smell anything at all..and no one comented about odor when I left my house yesterday......I have posted constant persistent severe odor since years and years plus...........incredible a food source has been severly affecting me...and I reccomend everyone try align probiotics..I feel is my problem??????????? And which foods are doing it??? With boost I eliminated all foods at once.......anyway only day 3 ...too soon to say if the odor i gone....maybe no on commented yesterday but the odor may be there.....the pepto bismol did its job, I have just about no fecal odor or any odor of any kind in my bowel movements now, I can see how the pepto bismol changed the stool color...I feel so good I would be happy never eating foods again......I know my doctor will help me decide how to eat though....all we can do isisten to eachbother believe each other and apply critical thinking......I'm underweight its not like I over eat.and I eat a variety of foods...I do love pasta and cheese and chocolate and all meats and dairy emphasis on pasta products.....I'm curious to know what other people have tryed and any changes they may have noticed...I suggest try 16 pepto bismol pills a day for 5 days see if the fecal odor takes time to build up in your system....
Anonymous, I find your experiment and its initial results very interesting. I suppose that the way to answer your question about which foods are your triggers would be to introduce one food type at a time as you wean yourself off your boost diet, and stick to that food type before introducing a new food type to see which triggers your odor symptoms.
How long do you plan to stay with this diet before beginning to introduce the various food groups?
Using critical thinking, I would like to mention what my dog’s veterinarian once told me about using pepto-bismol on my dog. He says that pepto-bismol makes the stool dark/black, sort of resembling the stool containing blood. Blood that comes from inside the stomach or intestines makes the stool black, as opposed to external blood from hemorrhoids that would be red. Therefore, if you know for sure that you are not having any stomach/intestinal bleeding, then it’s safe to use it for a short while, at least that’s what the vet told me.
On the other hand, if you have ulcers (H.pylori infection) or bleeding polyps or anything that may potentially bleed, then the danger of taking pepto-bismal is that one could ignore the signs of dangerous bleeding thinking that it’s only the pepto-bismol that is making the stool charcoal black. To give you an idea just how dangerous digestive track bleeding can be, my grandfather died in early 1960s of bleeding stomach ulcers, before H pylori was even discovered, because he did not know that very dark stool could be caused by blood in the stool from internal bleeding. Had he known this, he would have told us, and we would have rushed him to get the proper medical treatment. Instead, he passed away.
But, if you know that you don’t have ulcers or any source of intestinal bleeding, this approach you are taking sounds very interesting. Thanks for sharing.
I do not plan to stay on doctor said with hpylori pepto is used for 2 weeks.......never longer than that...I am experimenting with my doctor not alone...but thank you because others will need that warning..I should not have suggested anything to anyone else not knowing their health thank you for thinking of that......I feel like for some reason food may be a proble for me....boost does not contain anything natural. At all no food at I can not stay on boost.....I a using the 2 week tim frame doctors often use...I wo do anything for longer than 2 is incredible how good I feel and the decrease of odor so far...this is not hygenic or mental illness and can not be showered away...but maybe a safe odorceliminator because pepto is not safe. Proper diet and probiotics may help.......but I still have no idea how food appears to affect my body so severly.....could microbes have been affective this quickly? I have tryed pepto bismol for 2 weeks and cleanss and colonics many times before never noticing since eliminating all foods and adding align I notice huge symptom improvement.......again thank you I will be carefull not to suggest anyone else try anything I are right everyones health status is diferent and somethings might be dangerous or fatal to other people.
I am most appreciative of you sharing this experience with us. I'm glad you have consulted with your physician, and I look forward to seeing how this unfolds for you.
I believe pepto bismol turns the stool black when it binds with sulfur......yes blood will also turn stools doctor sees no rason to believe I have an ulcer, I am being monitored by my doctor through this experiment.......he has no idea what's wrong with me....all theories appear to point to diet, microbes, probiotics being main focus...and maybe antibiotics but even that appears to maybe not be the my experiment is to cut out all food sources and use probiotics.......I thinkbonce I stopvthe pepto bismol odors will return...maybe microbes are hybernating???????? I hope with an all liquid colon flushed clean and probiotics my immune system or allergies or medobolic condition will rest and my body will rest and good bacteria will have a chance to survive if my body can I will see what happens...2 weeks is a safe time goal is to hybernatecthe medical condition allow my body to rest and hope good bacteria can survive and multiply....maybe my immune system will strenthen if the medical condition hybernates on this diet......a stronger immune system will fight bad microbes and allow good bacteria to thrive.....there is a medical condition....allerhy immune metobolic or a combo of...or microbess but I don't think microbes alone..I think a medical condition is why bad microbes thrive and good ones don't.......I will stay with my doctor maybe get on the wait list a the hospital for free GI and metobolic and allergy and immune system doctors etc..often they do free and sliding fee but you see the medical intern not a doctor and the doctor will monitor everything.
Update on my boost comments in public regardingvodor. The odor does not fill a room anymore.....I did ask a friend if I had odor she first said no, then as she got close to me she said yes a little bit but she could not say what it smelled like and that it was a mild odor maybe like burning wood like a bon fire..........I asked her this morning she said she did not smell anything......I began cutting back the pepto I took just 8 pills yesterday instead of 16 pills......I have no food cravings no gas bloat belly pain no diareah no constipation, bowels are moving fine, no headache nothing...I feel so healthy and it feels great....
Has anyond heard about VSL3 probiotic? Does anyone know if its affective? Has anyone tryed it???? Its like $50 for a months supply. There is a double strength version available only by prescription from a doctor.
Another quick boost diet update, I just left the hair salon. I asked the woman cutting my hair if she could smell an odor she said no as did the other people in the salon...I swear this is the first time I am odor free..ever since childhood....there has to be a food component for me...maybe like tmau it is metabolic and there are food components as well and bacterial as well....I am convinced my issues are not simply microbial...unless the diet hybe rnated and or killid all the bacteria that quickly??????? I was one who could filk an auditorium with the odor appears to be gone.......and I never used antibiotics or anti parasitic or fungal or yeast meds at all..just pepto bismol. Boost. Align by the way my doctor said to take 2 align pills daily morning and night so I am taking 2 pills..........
Another boost diet update. Still weening off pepto bismol, only took 8 pills yesterday. The odor still appears to be gone or markedly decreased. Still no negative side affectsi feel great..full of energy awake and stronger than ever..I no longer feel lightheaded and weak and my mood is better I think my diet may have been causing irritability?????????? I don't miss food at all...after 2 weeks I will add healthy oils, veggies and nuts but one at a teeth will need solid foods and my jaw..I will see a nutritionist to get help adding foods back to my diet after 2 weeks is up......
I just learned nuts are hard to digest by many peole and can cause GI issues like gas bloat and odors.......
Tannic acid enzyme inhibitors need to be soaked off of nuts and seeds in purified water then rinsed clean. This process takes hours but allows the body to easily digest fruits and unsalted unheated nuts and seeds are healthy....but most sold in stores are heated and salted or roasted and most nutrients are lost......healthier and easier for the body than some meats.
My doctor has told me for reasons unknown people can develop allergies to stuff they were never allergic to in the past, especially with repeated exposure to things...even foods, I you develop an allergy sto eating that food for a month or several months allow that response your body is having to the food to stop and try eating the food again, often the allergy is gone.....I was told not to eat the same foods more than 3 times a week till I know what is affecting my body.....other people never have reactions, or so they think..headache, gas, bloating, nausea, fatigue, joint pain, negative moods can all be a reaction to newly developed food allergy and intolerance........and for some reason body odors too.......I was told for reasons unknown some peoples bodies "over react" and are more susceptable to develop problems...I am really looking at diet as a source of my odor and health issues....though I may never know the exact reason why this happens to me. I will listen to my doctor in regards to diet change and see what happens.
Boost diet update, still feel strong, no negative side affects, odor is still gone. If anyone suspects food may be their problem, you can ask your doctor about the food allergy test diet...there is a list of foods known to cause allergy and intolerance in people, you stop eating those foods for 2 weeks, during the 2 weeks there is a list of foods that no one has really tested positive for allergy. Though people with metabolic issues and body odor should avoid some foods on the safe list too as they are known to cause body odor like garlic etc....after 2 weeks add the allergy foods back to your diet one by one.........I plan to add dairy and sulfur foods back into my diet last....I stopped the pepto bismol. Yesterday was my last day taking pepto, I do not plan to take anymore pepto bismol.
Pepto bismol removed fecal odors for me...I read 30 mg zinc for 2 weeks can eliminate body odors as careful too much zinc is dangerous and can lead to copper deficiency..and large doses should not be taken for long periods of time....zinc binds with short chain fatty acids creating a salt that neutralize the odors from short chain fatty acids.....I think dairy and parmasean cheese are a big source of odor causing boost shake contains lots of zinc....and the pepto had minerals as well........
Boost diet update. I saw my doctor today he is concerned that I'm not maintaing weight on boost diet...he told me to begin adding 1 food a day today...I ate 1 sclice of pizza from the bakery...containg yeast, flour, tomatoe, garlic in the sauce, parcely..that's it...within 20 minutes of eating I have a doctor told me don't eat those foods again try another food weird......we can try stuff and guess but I'm more confused odor yet.........
Oh i forgot to list wheat on the last update .........the pizza i ate contains wheat......maybe wheat allergy headache...but its hard to know how anything ties to odors yet...........
Boost diet udate the pesky odor is back....I ate fruits pineapple, grapes and a bannana, and the slice of pizza contained tomatoes,flour, sugar, yeast, a miniscule amount of garlic to flavor rhe sauce and oregano...I was mistaken no wheat in the was a bakery pizza strip, no meat no chesses. Very few ingredients in the pizza. The odor is definetly back. I can smell I can try a different type of food if this odor goes away.
Don’t despair. You were successful in getting your odor down to a level that was not detected. Since you accomplished this by not eating any natural foods, it is understood that you need to gradually introduce food types to see how you react to each of them individually.
Perhaps you can try to bring it back to the non-detectable odor level you were at, which you could probably do very quickly, since you don’t have a saturation of odorous chemicals at this time, and introduce one food group at a time – maybe for a few days each. In other words, introduce fruits alone for a couple of days, and if no odor is detected, you know that fruits are safe for you. If odor is detected, go back on the diet that takes away odor, and when odor is not detected, introduce grains – breads, rice, pasta, for example. Avoid sugar-added cereals initially. Try grains for a couple of days.
Repeat this with dairy and then with protein, gluten, choline, and finally, sulfur rich foods. One at a time. This way, you can get a clear picture of which foods trigger symptoms. Then, after you have detected the effects of each individually, begin combining them. Some theories suggest that it is the combination of certain foods that can cause odor…
I realize that it is an arduous process, but the fact that you have been able to bring it down to a non-detectable odorous state is a big plus for you. It’s a launching point that you can use to really narrow down the cause of your condition – or at least, to identify triggers.
Good luck to you!
Yes I did combine food combos, a bit of frustration and hunger, I just ate what wasvin front of me at the time. I will go back on boost a pepto for a day or two....then try the foodvone by plain chicken. Plain potatoe.plain spinach etc..and will space the foods out a few days as you said sulfur the common denominator in all the foos I ate... I know it has to do with thiols or something not just sulfur foods??????? The only boost concern is I'm very skinny and it does not help me maintain weight I was losing weight......not just odor I need to figure out what triggers my very frequent headaches and migraines....yesterdays pizza may have triggered a headache....since shorty after eating it I developed a headachecthat last most of the day...if a food source triggers painful headaches that is good to know too....headaches are a big problem for me.......
I bet you must be very hungry indeed. You do need to start eating. I just recommend that you start eating strategically so that you can complete your experiment.
If I were you, I would first begin with fruits. It's a simpler (less complex) composition, involving mostly only sugars, whereas protein is more complex and can be further broken down. You might want to begin with less acidic fruits, such as apples, so as not to irritate your digestive tract, if that is an issue for you.
Chicken has other components like fat, for example, so you might have less reaction to fruit. If in a day or two you don't notice odor from fruit, then eat chicken. You have a greater chance to not produce odor with fruits, so that could be a food that you can keep eating while introducing the others (protein, dairy, fats, grains).
Ok I will thank you...I will eat fruits for a few days then plain chicken.......I do need to complete the experiment to hopefully find more answers......
My thoughts are with all those suffering through the devestating events in Boston..........
Boost diet update, no negative side affects or odors adding fruits of apples and grapes, the odor appears gone or barely detectable, no one has commented or said they can smell odors, usually people comment so this is a good sign, I will try adding plain chicken in a day or so.....thank you for the help.
That's very good news! Now you know that fruits are not the cause of your symptoms. Now you can eat them for energy and to help your digestive tract.
You can test another food group to see how that works for you - one at a time.
Good luck!
Boost diet update, I tested citrus fruits yesterday. Today a friends said there is an doctor said that my skin does not have odor at all..I am not sweating or detoxing odors through my skin anywhere on my body, and the inside of my mouth does not have odor, the odor is inside my body. all tests came back normal no obvious medical cause......I will continue to try foods.....once if have tryed all food groups then my doctor will have to figure out do we try antibiotics even though all tests appear normal. I have been taking 2 align probiotics a day all week.....for anyone who thinks there may be an obvious answer or easy solution there does not appear to be one for me.....but at least after this I can say that I tryed everything. I will keep trying things.
Our thoughts are with you, and hope you get at least some answer - what foods are safe for you, in regards to your odor symptoms. Even if you don't find all answers, we are still trying and pursuing a few other avenues with exploratory studies and other research that we hope to launch sooner than later. Let's never lose hope as long as we are able to keep trying. Good for you!
Boost diet update....I spoke with a GI doctor this AM, he said citrus fruits trigger IBS and chrons symptoms and cause all kinds of problems, I need to keep them out of my diet. He suggested I wait several months before trying prescription drugs. He reccomended another prebiotic and told me to give the align more time. He said the body simply can not repair and recover this quickly. He suggested if chicken and easy to digest meats do not increase the odor to eat those and decrease sugars. Thank you for helping. I will let you know what happens with meat in a couple days.
Hi anonymous doing the Boost diet,
I'm glad you consult with your doctor. I agree about citrus triggering IBS. I don't have chrons, but I bet citrus fruits would cause pain. That's why I often prefer apples, for examples.
What prebiotic did your GI recommend this time? I hope it goes well with the chicken this time, I know you were saying that last time it triggered odor. Perhaps it's because last time you also added other foods as well. Someone told me today that they go to whole foods store to buy grass fed chickens. I don't do that, and regular chicken doesn't bother me, but she says that the regular chickens are fed soy, and that she thinks it bothers her. Hopefully, you won't have this problem. Looking forward to seeing how things work out for you.
My doctor told me to try fiber choice with prebiotic......he wants me on a diet of 80% easy to digest meat, veggies, healthy oils, nuts and 20% fruits......if those foods do not increase odor...he does not want me to test any other foods for a breads, pastas cereals, condiments.......I was lactoee intolerant since 1 years old so no dairy..maybe yellow cheese in a while I can try.......he suggests the. GAPS. Diet for several far I did try grass fead organic chicken with salt and pepper and cold pressed extra virgin olive oil and no negative symptoms or odor far chicken and extra virgin olive oil are safe combo foods.....
Boost diet udate. No increase of odor yet with far I'm eating chicken, apples, bannanas, and alonds, no odor from alonds either...I am off the boost completly and maintaning weight now. I am learning fruits should be eaten alone on an empty stomach because they digest and pass through in just minutes and other foods make them get stuckvand ferment...meat should be eaten only with veggies as veggies help break down meat but starches make it way harder for the bodyvto break down meat...that could be why some think combonations of food cause odorvbecause one food eate in combo with another food affects how the food is digested.....I believe in people with metabolism and GI and allergy issues and digestive issues this is true...I'm testing veggies today.
Wow, no odor eating your meals! Congrats!
This is all so very interesting! Thank you for sharing this with us. I find it very helpful, and am very grateful that you are sharing this.
There is still a small amount of odor to some degree, it is significantly decreased from what it was before my diet chage, and now the odor is consistent not changing types of smells...I can go in public without a store full of children 2 years old will naturally coment..yesterday no comments....but people who get close to me still detec an odor....the odor greatly decreasedcwith diet and the foods I began eating did not increase the odor...I am not a 100% odor free butthere us a marked decrease in GI doctor said my body is still detoxing a life times worth of digestive issues and odors and the detox process as microbes and yeast ofcthe bad variety die, that can cause detox odors.....ivhave to give the align more time and can try charcoal...............I believe the align probiotic immediately relieved all irritable bowel symptoms...I never knew I had IBS...........the align definetly works miracles for the digestive doctor saidcthe detox process can take a while...I need to give it time to hopefully be 100% odor free....but for now the odor decreased to a point I can go out in public without comments......the food I am eating is not causing odor doctor said give the detox process time...I still have some saturation even if just microbes and yeast causing odors, those don't leave the body so quickly, and the die off affect causes odors...........the align appears to be an incredible and affective product........I also stopped sugar of all kinds when I stopped the boost except for I have to expect yeast die off and maybe odor from it too......but foods so far are not increasing looks like a lifetime of consuming foods I'm intolerant to, ibs, leaky gut, weakened digestive tract and immune system and over growth of bad microbes could be my doctor says only time will tell. It is too soon to form conclusions yet....I will try charcoal to help absorb toxins and see if that helps decrease the odor level to non existant...for now the odor is drastically decreased and foods do not appear to be increasing the odors........
My son does cardiovascular exercise almost daily and drinks plenty of fluids to help his body's cleansing organs do a faster and better job. As the blood circulates faster, and you take deep breaths during your workout, the blood is filtered faster through your lungs, releasing the chemicals faster that would normally come out your breath at a slower pace.
The same hold true for the kidneys, so drinking lots of fluids helps your kidneys go through the filtering and cleansing of your blood that is pumping faster through the filters of the kidneys, releasing the chemicals normally secreted in your urine.
A good cardiovascular workout that makes you break out in a sweat only speeds up the release of odorous chemicals in the sweat that normally come out sooner or later at a slower pace.
After this workout, and after you take a shower/bath with pH neutral cleansers, not only would you have cleansed your blood faster from alot of the chemicals it normally releases at a slower pace, but you would have washed it off with the proper cleanses to neutralize the pH.
This is true for detoxing...this web site and you Maria have been a life saver, thank you so much!!!!!!!!! I have not been excersising or sweating, I will start excersising., on the strict boost diet excersise would have caused unhealthy weight loss, now that I'm eating and my body feels strongvi will go for a run. I feel digestive issues and food intolerance which lead to microbial imbalance could be my problem. No probiotics have ever helped before...the align probiotic really appears to be helping me. And I'm seeing improvement without antibiotics.
Boost diet far so good with veggies...I started carrots last night..more carrots today also tested dark variets of salads and green leafy and spinach...the odor I think is decreasing not increasing...I am convinced I have a medical condition that caused digestive issues which in turn allowed bad microbes and yeast to take over and the diet relaxed my body and the align probiotic is amazingly concern is celiac desease I do have a lot of the comon symptoms and the less comon ones too........I will keep foods that are off limits for people with celiac for a while at least a month....I'll try starches o.k with celiac desease first in a week or 2....maybe sooner if my body feels well enough....I'm afraid to rock the boat too much right now. Thank you Maria so much for all your posts in this blog I am trying the stuff the Gastroenterolagist you spoke with suggested, sort of, because of your post in the blog.
Boost diet update...I tested red meat eating steak last night......I'm not sure if its having and odor impact yet??????? I did have a little belly pain.....I'll try steak again and see what happens......
Boost diet update, I've asked several diiferent people in several different locations, they all say the odor is not increasing it is actually decreasing more and more as time goes on....I've added red meat without odor increase but a little belly pain, and flax seed peenut butter with agave sweetener, neither one increasd the odor...again I do believe the align probiotic is affective and working more and more ever day......
Boodt diet update, I need to eliminate steak from my diet it caused digestives issues and today an increase in digestive symptoms were gone and came back with oranges then again steak....I'll stick with chicken and turkey for a while...try steak again in a while.....
Your methodical approach to testing foods is giving you answers. It's so uplifting to see this!
Boost diet update...if we do not use credit card on the computer, is there a place we could mail out a money order too???? For donations. My odor decreased back down, I was told there isn't odor right now.....I feel for those with tmau as their diets are way more restrictive than mine, I do hope people with tmau gain answers soon.....I tested negative for tmau.....
Boost diet update.... I just made a $75.00 donation to mebo research online using my credit card....I greatly appreciate everyones help.....
Thank you so much for your donation! It is very generous indeed! I will do all possible to stretch it to accomplish the most possible to accomplish our goals, thank you.
For anyone who does not use credit card on the computer and wish to make a donation, you can write a check or money order made out to MEBO Research, and mail it to Maria de la Torre, MEBO Research, 13220 SW 35 Terrace, Miami, FL 33175-6931. Thank you.
Boost diet update...the odor is still significantly decreased, but can still be detected when people get close to me.....I'm doing all I can with probiotics and prebiotics and diet, I'm only eating healthy organic from the natural foods store........I'm some point if the odor is not gone completly my only other option is antibiotics and has only been 2 1/2 weeks of diet change and probiotics...tests on effectiveness of align were done after 4 weeks I believe.....I am adding corn products like tortilla chips etc far foods do not impact the odor except oranges and steak.....I will give the align probiotic more time and see what happens.........
Boost diet update....systemic enzymes and digestive enzymes are something my doctor has told me to try next before I will try them.......
Boost diet update...while swallowig corn tortilla strips I have an immediate painful heartburn like feeling......adding foods after a period of not eating foods is giving me answers, and maybe my doctor answers too.........stone groundcorn flour, saffower oil and salt are the only ingredients.....
Boost diet update...please do not anyone try anything in this post it could be dangerous, and this could kill you too much acid could cause internal bleededing, im sharing my symptoms with researchers to possibly shed light on odor odor is significantly increased today and heart burn are allergy last night from the tortilla chips......maybe its not just bacteria and antibiotics and probiotics alone won't work..researchers now believe lack of stomach acid causes heart burn....and lack of stomach acids allow fungus, yeast and bad microbes to take over becausecstomach acids kill the fungus yeast and microbes BEFORE they can leave our stomachsenter our intestines and then leak out the gut saturating our blood....also digestive enzymes catch what stomach acids miss further protecting us...may be we stomach acid , digestive enzymes and antibiotics and probiotics..without stomach acid and digestive enzymes antibiotics will do nothing all the bad stuff will come right back......
Boost diet using activated charcoal capsules now to try and relieve the work load on my body to push out toxins....I can say my gastrointestinal symptoms are gone unless I eat a food that triggers a bowels and stool are moving perfectly. No gas no bloat. No headaches, no fatique, much improved mood, i feel relaxed im sleeping great.....The odor is not 100% gone yet...but its decreased from what it was before I began this whole experiment..........I'm doing everything I can short of prescription drugs.........I have not aded anymore new foods yet.....
It looks like you’ve, at least partially, “tapped into” the cause of your odor condition. Would you say it was triggered by corn (from tacos tortilla shells) in addition to red meat?
I don’t know how significant it may be that my son tested to be allergic to corn, and consequently all corn products. We were very surprised to find out that almost all food have some degree of corn. For example, cows are normally fed some amount of corn, so I wonder if that is coming through in red meat (I really don’t know).
Even before we discovered TMAU, his allergist told him to avoid corn products including popcorn and corn chips, so he had done so for years. Hew has to reed the food ingredients in everything he buys. BTW, his allergist said that corn oil is not as bad, but recommended canola oil or olive oil, which is what we use. He’ll still eat tortilla shells in tacos from time to time, though he frequently replaces it with soft tacos, and it seems to not phase him once he got his TMA levels down. It seems that he improved in order and allergies significantly once he got his TMA levels down, such as no longer having abdominal bloating or skin rashes, and he began to tolerate better small amount of corn, like tortilla shell in tacos. Again, we seem to raise the question of the effects of saturation degrees and combinations of foods/chemicals.
Having said all this, I believe that it is imperative for MEBO to carry out a formal exploratory research study to identify through DNA sequencing microbes present in the gut that are not present in “normal” (non-sufferers) human population, or microbes that have a significantly larger population in the guts of sufferers than those found in normal human population. The study could consist of identifying the life processes of each of these microbes, i.e., the environment needed for their survival in which they thrive, what they feed on, WHAT CHEMICALS THEY PRODUCE THAT EVENTUALLY END UP IN OUR BLOODSTREAM, how they reproduce, conditions needed for them to reproduce, how they die or what kills them. This data can then help us address the questions of what metabolic pathways would have to be at optimal performance to metabolize the chemicals produced by these microbes, and whether the microbes and the chemicals they produce could be the cause of certain food allergies as well. I’m certain that as the study goes along, more questions would rise as some may be answered.
Looking for a reputable expert who would be interested in organizing this type of research internationally at a large scale has been of MEBO’s top priority for the past year, and will continue to be until it is off the ground, no matter how long it takes. Your case is proof of the need to pursue this avenue of research.
I did not eat tacos the only thing I ate was a few tortilla chips I did not combine the chips with anything...there was an immediate painful burning feeling in my throat and chest like heart burn....
Wow that is helpful....all I ate was about 15 organic corn flour tortilla chips and instantly felt was 2 hours after eating veggies....I did not eat anything in combonation with the chips at all..corn flour, safflour oil and salt were what made the organic chips.........I was very careful to eat the chips alone no combining foods to look for reaction....I was stuck on formula as a toddler I never transitioned to whole milk at age 1 because I had bad lactose was corn because I never combined anything with the chips.....
I never knew corn affected me until I did this exeriment...I'm underweight i can not gain a pound I've been the same weight for 10 years now despite trying to gain weight and aging...if anything I lose me that indicates a problem...I'm afraid to make things worse so I'm skeptical to try antibiotics and probably won't try them again.....I've tryed antibiotics in the past....
Boost diet.....I'm guessing my symptoms improved because I was not allergic to anything in the boost.........and as I eat my symptoms over time come back....I have not eaten any smelly foods are bland and odorless.....15 corn tortilla strips caused an immediate looks to me like an immune response from food allergies may be a peice of the puzzle.....I am finding answers....I'm not sure the big picture but I have more puzzle pieces body rested on boost maybe sudden exposure to an allergy food after resting is why I had such an immediate reaction to ground corn in the chips???????? Lol... if one of us could win the lottery!!!!!!!!!!! I think we are getting closer to answers....thank you to evryone for working together and helping.
Boost diet I've eaten just a handfull of cashews and celery with oraganic flaxseed penutbutter with agave sweetener and carrots.....and the charcoal tablets.....I'm being told I do not have a detectable odor by several people all of which normally do detect the odor.......I have just eaten plain organic whole grain pasta and so far no symptoms....I kept my diet light so my body can detox with the charcoal today.
Boost diet update..after eating whole grain pasta I was unable to sleep last night and I have had a headache all day today. I'm using digestive enzymes with every meal and charcoal twice daily.......I'm not going to test new foods for a few days......I'll update again in about a week .........I'll see if the digestive enzymes and charcoal help....I know no that wheat and corn and steak are out.....awsome to see the new research and findings regarding tmau.......
Boost die update.....I asked my doctor why I had a headache after eating pizza a couple weeks ago.....he said it was most likely a reaction to the Whey added into the pizza, I'm finding more reactions to food.
I'm glad that you have discovered these things about your sensitivities to foods with the help of your doctor. Thank you for sharing it step by step in these comments because I have a feeling that we will be looking at this process from time to time. Very interesting, thank you.
Boost diet doctor asked me to try negative reaction to eggs or odor increase...but maybe the charcoal absorbed the odors???? My doctor also aked me to try cheddar cheese as I should be o.k with reaction to cheddar cheese and no odor increase.....I did use a digestive enzyme capsule with the cheese...I also ate red and yellow and green bell peppers with my chicken, no reaction no odor increase...I tryed a few new foods in a short amount of time.....the odor remains either gone or at a slightly detectable level if people get really close to me.......I seem to be improving a little more as days pass....
Boost diet update....I have tryed doctors medication for years unsucessfully.....I aquired a planters wart virus on my big toe as a kid most likely in the ymca locker room walking bare foot as I joined a swim class a kid the wart cleared quickly off my came back as an adult it has been on my toe for years and I woke up this morning the wart is black it is primary care doctor says it is finally dying off my maybe my immune system is stronger now??????
Boost diet update....after eating eggs a couple more times I began having an increase in odor, but the odor has gone away quickly since stopping eggs......I notice people in the community much more social towards me, and they initiate contact with me more now....and people are more polite, so I'm guessing my odor decreased to a point of not being socially crippling anymore????? Even though I have always lived a full lie, I never left myself out if life, and the majority of people have been nice to me.....I've also been drinking 2 table spoons organic apple cider vinegar with the mother as they call it......I'll see what happens when I stop the charcoal and cider vinegar in 4 days, I hope the odor levels do not increase....
Boost diet appears as though through my experiment, I have created the erfect storm...that planters wart on my toe that has been holding strong on my toe for years never showing signs of dying, despite my doing everything the doctor said to is just a hard scab now...its dead....I can see a healthy toe just looks like I cut my toe....this was way bigger than just body odor!!!!!!!!!!!!
Boost diet update, I have also been taking prenatal vitamins, because they provide the body with more than a regular multivitamin, as my doctor suggested...........I am going to stay on a high healthy fat, easy to digest meats, nuts and fruits and veggies diet.....I've added cheese and potatoes as these are well tolerated for me...
Boost diet update....after years of having a plantars wart that would not die off, the plantars wart has fallen off and is 100% gone.....if nothing else my experiment does seem to have boosted my immune system........and decreased the odor...some days the odor is non detectable, I still have to be careful what I eat....some foods trigger headaches, digestive issues and odor....
Boost diet update after stopping the charcoal the odor is back and its very saturation levels are back I have to think about trying anyone who thinks that we have control over the odor, we do not........I'm trying everything........I drastically changed my diet, used charcoal, align, apple cider vinegar, digestive enzymes....basically if I eat nothing but fruits veggies chicken and walnuts for the rest of my life I might be able to keep the odor levels down......we do need some one in a position to be able to help us find answers to step up and help us.........I do thank Mebo research for doing just that...
I’m so sorry that your symptoms have returned when you discontinued the use of charcoal. As frustrating as it has to be for you, your own case study has given you some answers, though many more answers are needed. Don’t get discouraged; there are still other steps to be taken to further understand and gain more control over your symptoms. Rest assured that MEBO is doing all possible to further exploratory research into the unknown, and you should feel pride in knowing that you sharing of your experience with us is your helpful contribution to this cause. Thank you.
Boost diet update...I'm working on obtaing health insurance now.....I do not want to try antibiotics yet...copper chlorophill may help..pepto bismol and charcoal need to be temporary but do work..charcoal can absorb nutrients... i need to figure out a safe long term option..ivfound out there are a number of tests that were never run due to lack of insurance my doctor tells me there are many more tests he can run to try to find more answers it will take a while but there are other things I can try.....I understand Mebo research limitations and respect them........I did add more carbs, a liitle white pasta and bread maybe a little more sugar too...that may have caused a problem too????????? Maintaining weight is tough on such a restricted diet,I'm not giving up, I just realized its not so easy to keep odor levels down.......once I get health insurance and new answers I will let you know.....thank you to everyone..........
Boost diet doctor suggested I eat bacon...wait to see if there is odor.........there was a bacon odor on my skin, my mouth was thouroghly cleaned and did not smell of bacon, but i believe when i exhaled there was an odor of bacon....the odor came on that night, so next he then told me to drink chlorella powder in hot detox tea and echinacea immune support tea with lemon on an empty stomach and swallow 1 cholorhyll soft gel.......that was succesful in taking away the odor, and I can take it for longer periods of time on and off....and i can take charcoal once every 2 weeks for a couple days........obviously what ever I eat rapidly goes through my entire body..........I am not a person who sweats a lot at all, I barely sweat at all....I now believe I exhale odors....i never did the breath testing through Mebo research.......
Boost diet update....I have a bright yellow mucus in my stool excessive amounts...I took it to my doctor he said both myself and the yellow mucus have a remarkably strong fish odor......I tested negative for tmau.......he said he will run stool samples and blood work to test all my organ functions like my pancrease.....the yellow mucus in intermittent for me and brings on very very strong fish odors....when the yellow mucus is not there my odor is not fishy its musty or brunt rubber or cigars or skunk or feces....maybe as I progress with my doctor I can ask him to contact Maria if he gets closer to answers......but the yellow mucus in my stool causes the fishy odor...there was so much mucus it was no mixed with feces and my doctor said the stool is not fishy just the mucus is......
Boost diet update....the apple cider vinegar and chlorella and chlorophyll were causing intestinal inflamation and thecodorous mucus...since stopping them now the mucus and odor are gone....maybe problematic microbes can be kept at bay but once something irritating goes into the body those microbes become more active???????? Anyway egss used to be a huge odor producer for me....I can now eat 2-3 whole eggs every day without ever producing that sulfur odor....eggs are a main source of my diet body is not fully o.k with potatoes when I first ate them but now I'm tollerating them better......for m a safe affective powerfull internal deodorizer would be most beneficial......but for me it appears to bethat anything that enflames my intestines causes mucus and maybe microbes and weakened leaky gut or immune or allergies or intollerances do seem to be my problem.....I'm waiting to see if any of my digestive organs seem to be weak too......I have a very very sensitive body that I have always known......
I am so impressed with your progress log. With the guidance of your doctor, you are slowly but surely understand your body and heading towards a better, well balanced diet. Your case is a perfect example of why not everyone should follow the TMAU odor-management protocol. It is important to first do the TMAU test before doing a low choline diet, giving up eggs and other prohibitive foods of the TMAU diet.
Regarding intestinal inflammation and odor, I have an auto-immune condition that has progressed from rheumatoid arthritis to a "cousin of lupus" yet to be identified, according to my rheumatologist. This disease seems to be causing flare-ups of intestinal inflammation that triggers a great deal of odor. As the inflammation decreases, so does the odor, and as soon as the inflammation increases, the odor goes off the roof.
We really need a gut microbiome study desperately. This has become MEBO's top priority right now.
Boost diet update......Ah ha!!!!!!! We learn new stuff every day...I have no specific diagnosis of any conditions at this time except IBS.....I'm happy to be able to eat eggs again.......potatoes are still on the fence????? I'm searching for a starchy carb food to help me gain back the 4 pounds I lost on this diet.....but added bonus I'm gaining back muscle tone now.......
Boost diet update,..........i have been told when we have leaky gut we become" allergic" to tons of things...the mucin lining that is much like protective wax on a car or hardwood floor is no longer protecting our intestinal lining....THIS is why suffers respond so poorly to acidophillus probiotics and appear to have worsened symptoms taking them..that strain of probiotic triggers the immune allergy response because of leaky gut...only after the gut heals will the body tolerate acidophillus probiotics....but bifido like in align does not appear to have those negative affects because acidophillus is in the small intestine where leaky gut causes issues and bifido align is for large intestines where leaky gut is not the issue.......
Hi Anonymous,
We are now doing the MEBO Annual conference, and we are discussing your case, and we have the following questions we want to ask you. Please don't feel obligated to reply to anything, but whatever info you can share, would be helpful.
1. Where is your physician, we all want him!
2. Do you have problems with processed sugars only or raw sugar?
Do you have problems with whole grain too?
We all found your study extremely interesting.
I don't know about the sugars?????? I eat high glycemic fruits like raisins and pineapple but aside from natural foods I do not consume any sugars at all....except agave sweatner in peanutbutter which I think I tolerate fine...and the boost nutrition contained sugar which I think I was o.k with too......
Yeah whole grain pasta causes bad headaches....whole grain bread causes headaches...I'm not eating grains at starch is baked red and gold potatoes..
Red potatoes gold potatoe, cheddar cheese, extra virgin olive oil, chicken, steak, and all fruits and veggies and cashews and walnuts..oregano, and crushed red pepper to season foods....I added raisins today......I only drink purified water nothing else..the tea was not well tolerated......
I tryed my favorite organic sausage and bell peppers and got sick.....I ate 1 chocolate from a box of chocolate 2 days ago and had a slightly faster heart rate and sweating I felt was my first junk food chocolate and sugar in almost 2 body did not tolerate that well....
I'll ask my doctor to contact you but for safety and privacy I can not put his name on the blog as some one may try something I post respond negatively or become ill and blame the doctor....
My doctor is great he listens to me and safely helps me figure stuff out..we bounce stuff off each other well so it works...I have to say our ideas come from mebos blog we expand our thoughts from that point........
I can also share the odor increases during my monthly period, I don't know if its hormonal changes or microbes in blood or both that produce the odor...?????
Boost diet my previous reply ...I'm not sure if I put eggs on the list of foods that I do eat........
I'm not eating any processed foods only organic and sprouted like almonds....I do believe, even though I love them, the potatoes are causing a slight odor increase???? I'm not eating grains, I tryed whole grain pasta and bread but both caused headaches...since being on my diet I no longer have heaches or migraines......
Boost diet update...also since my diet there is a significant decrease in odor when I do have monthly periods also they are much litighter and last fewer days... no bloating no cramping no discomfort........I know this is an exrta way that females detox toxins from the blood....sorry to share personal information if it makes anyone uncomfortable or offends this is another positive thing for me since starting the diet.....again I'm not saying all odors are 100% gone but all odors are significantly decreased and I do have days without any odors now......again I owe it all to this blog mebo research blog is what got me started so thank you to everyone.......
Boost diet update.......I lost another 5 pounds this past week 9 pounds total...I am now 5 foot 6 inches and weigh just 105 pounds....I have a very very tiny body frame and a light bone structure, so 105 is healthier for me than it would be for most people my height my doctor has told me.......I need to add something to my diet....I am going to try orgain, an organic nutritional supplement created by doctors that is also gluten free.....medical tests still show no sign of infection, desease, or any known disorders.....on paper I have a clean bill of health....but all my symptoms obviously say other wise...we can try diet change to starve out gut microbes and change intestinal flora...but its starving me too.....2,500 calories a day on a healthy diet excluding those that produce headache and odor is starving now I have to try adding foods and see what happens......doctors can only test for certain things and blood and stool tests often fail to reveal harmfull organisms.....if anyone is considering working with Mebo Research to help them, please do, we suffers can only do so much on our own......
Boost diet update......I need to remove potatoes and cheese from my diet to see if I gain further symptom relief.......just feeling like i needed quick calories I ate 1 hot dog in a white bun tonight, and now my belly is doing back flips, I have GI symptoms with 2 hours of eating a hot dog on white belly is not feeling well....its a long trial and error process still....I'll find a whole food gluten free nutrition supplement to add calories while I continue to test foods, goal is to further decrease the odors and then eventually see if I can fully eliminate them....its a lot of trial and error,.......
Boost diet update...I have not received the results of the latest round of testing my doctor did yet......but after eating just 1 hotdog and 1 white bun last night the excessive fishy smelling intestinal mucuos and odor are back already this morning....proving my body is not o.k...there is a medical reason for the doctor and I are trying to figure it out but its trial and error and wait and see how my body responds right now to find more answers....I could be wrong but I would guess many other suffers havesimilar bodies that are not o.k just like mine.....I tryed charcoal it caused constipation and anything designed to provoke stool irritates my intestines....I tryed copper chlorophyill it badly irritated my intestines and that began to producs odor...the rn in my vitamin appears to irritate my intestines too..I swtched to a vitamin for celiac without iron.......please anyone who can help Mebo Research we need help this goes WAY beyond body odor....its my over all health......
Boost diet update.... I have officially been given a diagnosis of irritable bowel deseasew ith remarkable intestinal irritation and inflamation........Celiac desease.........and next I need specific allergy testing as my doctor thinks I have unusually high numbers of allergies....even vitamins a prescribed medication a supplements all have fillers and additives in them that appear to provoke an autoimmune response in me or and allergy response....all this would seem to stem from gut microbs because our immune system is in our doctor is trying everything to figure this odut...but he does not havec access to gut microbe studies or the ability to do one himself.......but he will tap into all the studies under way on gut microbes for ibs chrones obsity etc......and he will apply what he learns to me.......but that will take a long time of waiting for information to be released to him.......he believes even tmau is not just choline related tmau diet...its most likely compromised intestines, extensive other allergies unrelated to tmau and gut microbe issues.....and he is an MD not a natural or homeopathic doctor.....he believes damaged intestines and allergies and gut microbes affecting immunity are the cause of all body odor issues that do not have specific metabolic causes, most of which are now included in new born screenings in some I learned a little bit more......
Boost diet update...I am keeping cheese in my diet for now......I am eliminating potatoes from my diet now......I am going to start testing brown rice and brown rice pasta today...I'm also testing gluten free ketchup and spagetti sauce with natural sugar nothing processed....
Boost diet update. My cold virus symptoms are decreasing...I'm back on the align probiotic and drinking milk odor significantly decreased today maybe its fully body is now tolerating the probiotics in the milk kiefer without a single negative side affect.......I blend it in a fruit and veggie smoothy because it tastes very sour....its good in a smoothie.........I am learning so much about my triggers with the help of this blog.....and I learned yesterday that food is not my only odor trigger. Viruses increase my odor.....maybe stress and fluctuating hormones do too????????? I think natural sugars are o.k for far the brown rice pasta has not caused negative side affects or odors.......maybe the gluten allergy I was diagnosed with this week is the root of what began my gut microbe and odor issues?????? I never knew I had a gluten allergy...this blog has helped me learn all this new stuff.......I was overwhelmed and had no idea where to start before finding this blog....
Boost diet update....all my lifecthe odor changed drastically, fecal, cigar etc etc, the past few weeks the only odor type I have is a fishy odor.......there are metabolic tests my doctor will run now........also maybe microbial or yeast in intestines could be a problem too?????? We think maybe it is time to try nystatin for intestinal yeast, then maybe an antiparasitic med????? Tests do not always show stuff...... I know Maria has done questionaires would really help me right now to know if anyone else with or without tmau has fish odor, and if so how often compared to other std testing is negative GYN exam negative for infections so the things people think of have been ruled out already.......if there is a way to post a questionaire specifically asking about fish odor it might help me.....its weird my change in symptoms.... my diet is including more foods containing sugar but not junk foods really.....some fruit juice, icecream, brown rice pasta, have been added into my diet.
Boost diet update....i began 1 antibiotic last night and kefir milk and 3 align pills a day for 10 days......already the fishy odor is gone, the odor is like a sick child now, that odor they sometimes get when sick.....if need be I will try antifungals after the antibiotics....
Bboost diet update......I read online suffers say pro biotics and antibiotics increase their odor......this was always true with me the odor drastically increased on either one of on antibiotic and align probiotic I am odor free...someone put their nose on my skin.....multiple people say the odor is gone......if yeast was my problem its unlikely antibiotics would eliminate the odor......I pray the odor does not come back when I stop the antibiotic.......maybe low dose long term antibiotics and intense probiotics might help if it does??????? Reember though my diet is now gluten free too. It never was in the I'm sick of the roller coaster!!!!!!!!!!! Lol....hopefully the odor does not come back to detectable levels......
I wonder if you're also observing your stress levels to see how that affects an odor flareup.
Also, I would like to talk about the experience I'm having with probiotics. A week ago, I had an acute UTI in addition to very strong inflammation of my intestines, and strong body odor. I landed in the hospital with "gross bleeding in the urine and contractions." I got an antibiotic IV and the doctor put me on metronidazole orally for 7 days. I have never in my entire life been able to tolerate metro because I end up with severe diarrhea and irritation of my bowels, but I decided to give it a try combining it with probiotics. Always keeping in mind that the antibiotics will kill the probiotics, I decided to take it between doses of metronidazole. In other words, one metro pill every 12 hours and one pack of VSL#3 every 12 hours (alternating) and taking each 6 hours apart. Since VSL#3 is so expensive, yet so effective for me, I decided to take VSL#3 Junior it's cheaper. I will take VSL#3 for adults after I finish the course of antibiotics. Well, for the first time in my life, I managed to go beyond 3 days of taking metro, and I really believe I'll be able to finish the course of treatment.
Initially, the odor increased and went off the charts when I began the metronidazole. There was nothing I could do to control it. However, after 3 days, it began to decrease. Yesterday, I perspired profusely being outside in the hot sun, and the odor was minimal. And the best part is that my bowel movements are now painless, regular, full evacuations, well shaped, and not painful! My intestines is no longer inflamed or tender. I'm eating heathy, low choline, high fiber.
I still have 3 more days of antibiotics to go and I'll take the adult strength VSL#3 for a week after that.
I tend to believe that the metronidazole is killing the odor-producing microbes in my gut and bladder that were causing painful abdominal inflanmation. With metro killing off certain microbes in my intestines, it has ALWAYS caused diarrhea in mid course of treatment, but controlling it with VSL#3 Junior while taking the metro, it controlled the diarrhea and I have been able to proceed to finish the prescribed course of treatment, which is working!
The reason I use VSL#3 for more acute flare ups is because when asked in her interview for the blog, Cass Dooley-Nelson it was asked, "What do you think of the quality of probiotics on the market and are there any brands of probiotics you recommend?" She replied, "We are impressed with Klaire Labs probiotic and prebiotic formulas. I also like Custom Probiotics and a high dose probiotic called VSL#3. Designs for Health has a good probiotic product as well."
VSL#3 is shipped from the manufacturer for Next Day Service in ice in a styrofoam container. It is always intended to stay refrigerated.
Because it is so expensive, I only use it in major flare-ups. Otherwise, I like INNATE Flora 20-14 Ultra Strength (it's less costly)
BTW, my TMAU Test came back positive for Secondary TMAU, which is believed to be caused by bacteria in the gut producing too much TMA. Since you say your test result was negative, you could still have other odor-producing microbes in your gut, if your doctor wants you to try antibiotics. I suggest you discuss my experience with antibiotics and probiotics with your doctor.
Boost diet update.........I have a high strung, perfectionist personality and high stress job.....I'm not sure how stress affects odor levels...I was tested for tmau within this past year through mebo tmau levels were ositively in the negative range.......I have had excellent results with align probiotics from the first week of using them.....I am extremly sensitive to metro too...I'm taking 500 mg clarythromycin or biaxin twice daily.......just a tiny bit of occasional mild nausea...there appears to be odor producing microbes affecting me......finding out how to completly eliminate them and keep them gone is something I will try to figure out with my doctor with meds and doctor has been reading through the Mebo research website......I forget the name of the med that has 10 week reduction in bacteria after stopping the use of the medication for IBS and SIBO...small intestinal bacterial over growth.......I might try that med next if need be........the hope of my doctor is that even though body odor is not of much intrest that maybe new probiotics and antibiotics coming on the market in the next several years as a result of obesity and IBS and Chrons and diabetes etc may benefit body odor suffers too.....but my doctor will research and try, he is not dismissing me claiming psych issues or no medical cause, I hate that that happens to suffers.....
Boost diet update... rifaximin. For SIBO and IBS is supposed to stop microbes for as long as 10 weeks AFTER you stop consuming the medication...versus other meds where microbes bounce back within the week you stop taking the meds....I did not try the med yet because I don't tolerate meds well...but I will try it next.....maybe with the VSL#3......
Boost diet update...its amazing how I do not realize how bad off my body is until my body goes into a rare healthy state.......its like WOW!!!!!! THIS is what the body is supposed to feel like.......its disgusting that any doctor says, oh well some people just have odor...or its a psych issue, or my favorite. NO medical any doctor or researcher who may read these blogs.....we have significant remarkable health issues beyond body odors......
Boost diet update, I was able to buy DSL#3 probiotic in my local pharmacy store......I had to go to the pharmacy counter and ask them for it because the keep it in their private refridgerator in the back.....not the ds prescription strength, they sell the junior and regular strenghts....if they are out of stock they will order it for you...or check other locations to see it they have it in stock.......I do have some mild odor again but not my appears to be exhaled with my mouth closed not halitosis......I will keep trying........
Boost diet update...I finished my course of clarythromycin, I'm starting a week of cephalexin....after that I will start the vsl#3.....
Boost diet changes have little to no lasting affect on odor for me....I'm currently taking antibiotics and probiotics I thought it was helping me, its not......I can try yeast and parasite meds but my doctor does not think thwt is the problem....I can try stronger antibiotics....but odor is a constant fish odor its not changing odor types.........and everyone familiar and strangers percieve it that way......
Boost diet update.....has the tmau testing process changed since I was tested???? When I was tested 1 sample of urine was collected and mailed at room temp, and I had little to no detectable odor the day I collected my urine sample......if you now do a 24 hour urine collection, I think I want to be retested just to be sure. My doctors feels 1 retest would be a good idea.....I do think the result will still be negative, but this will eliminate any odor is mainly a fish odor, that other fish odor condition I believe there is only like one case, but does anyone inside or outside the US still test for it????? DMGU I think it is????
The Cleveland Clinic test process hasn't really changed, but some of us who tested have said that we think their odor was stronger beyond 12 hours after taking the choline load. I took my sample 12 hours later, and I really felt my TMA levels were higher around 13 to 15 hours later.
I have observed (not in scientific studies) that very high levels of TMA actually affect my nervous system and autoimmune system, since I suffer from migraines and an autoimmune disease that seems to cause intestinal inflammation and attacks other parts of my body like the iris of my eye and other areas. I felt I was going to faint around 14 hours after doing the load, and my diagnosed IBS flared up. Perhaps I should have waited to collect my sample then, but instead, I had already collected it 12 hours later. Others might not feel any of these symptoms with elevated TMA levels, and maybe I do because I suffer from these diseases.
You could take the test again and wait until you feel any symptoms at all after 12 hours. Some scientists say that your TMA levels could peak somewhere between 12 to 24 hours after a choline load. It's hard to say because some sufferers don't feel symptoms at all. I found it odd that I couldn't smell myself when I was dizzy and had the intestinal inflammation and pain, and it probably was when my TMA was highest. I know my TMA levels were high because my 12 hour sample showed it to be above normal.
If you decide to take the test again, email me, and we'll discuss it further.
That's is interesting....I have found what triggers my migraines, gluten, a celiac diet stopped all headaches, some things cause yellow mucus in stool, but my doctors thinks, I believe stuff affects the odor but we are realizing there appears to be no consistent clear ryhme or reason to the odor.......I wonder if a 24 hour collection would be better than a 12 hour 1 time collection???? I think my results will be negative because my levels were perfectly within the normal ranges on my first test...........I think I will order another test, it can not hurt to try....I will log into the email that you sent the results to you, so you can see the results, I will order a new test and then we can compare.......its weird I think I figure it out but there appears to he no ryhme or reason....thank you.
Boost diet medication cephalexin is made with sulfur........the pills have a very strong sulfur doctor said I need to wait 1 full week for the meds to clear my system before I will know if they had a positive impact on my odors levels.....Monday is my last day on the med Tuesday I start the vsl#3.......I am unable to access the email my tmau test results were sent maybe I deleted that account.
Boost diet update.......I actuqlly doubled each dose of cephalexin yesterday.......and I took 4 vsl#3 capsules and 2 align probiotics today........the odor is significantly decreased!!!!!!!!!!! Not quite at non detectable levels but much improved....... maybe I'm on the right track????? I will give the probiotics time, then decide if I should try metro or another antibiotic or diflucan or multivitamin has zinc, magnesium and B's etc......maybe I'm on the right track, there are stronger meds and different med combos I can try if need be......IT started with weaker meds first as other meds have given me a hives allergic rash in the past.......
Boost diet update....I recently added corn products back into my diet with no obvious negative reactions anymore....I appear to tolerate corn products now......gluten products still trigger migraines though..........I can add corn products but need to remain gluten free for now.......I eat lots of foods and varieties of foods now........I tryed a very small amount of wheat a few times last week and this week and immediately had migraines each time......its a huge trial process with foods for me...not just eliminating foods.....corn was a problem for me...maybe my immune system had a break and is no longer over reacting to corn ..........
Boost diet update.....I am not discouraged by my experiment with antibiotic and far it appears to have been greatly benificial but not 100% in eliminating the odors.......I will try other antibiotics and antifungals......I'm thinking vsl#3 and align may be filling in some space keeping some bad stuff out....... I have never tryed antibiotics and probiotics together like this before....its my first try.......
Glad to hear this! Something must be helping, yet more discovery is needed. All the best to you in your quest, and thanks for keeping us informed.
Drinking wheatgrass seems to get rid of the odor immediately. I may consider drinking this daily. I only used this as an emergency tonic in the past or to drink before social events. It can be purchased at whole foods where fresh smoothies and juice is made. It can be purchased in the vegetable and fruit area in a 7-day vial take home package. Once once equals to 2lbs of green veggies. Lots of chlorophyll.
I always purchase two ounces or more from smoothies area and drink at once and purchase take home vials may need a little apple juice, about an ounce as a chased.
Thanks for keeping us informed on your trials. I've been looking into trying meal replacement options like They supposedly don't contain processed foods like corn, etc. I'm not sure if this will help your symptoms.
Hi, i'm wondering what ever happened with the boots diet blogger? Ive been searching for a cure to my odors for years. I cant take it any more...
Apparently helps Bismuth (200 capsules) (2 capsules in the morning and one in the evening) for 2 months, in the second month you need to enable vsl3, full name of the drug is SUBSALICYLATE Bismuth powder were poured into 300 milligram capsules.
This therapy is associated with the problem of SIBO, or overgrowth of bad bacteria in the intestines.
if you can give instead of coal bentonite clay