Some people are afraid of taking activated charcoal because one normally associates charcoal with a dirty-looking stuff used to make a fire. But in reality, it’s been used for hundreds of years, if not longer, as a digestive cleanser. It adsorbs odor emitting toxins in our gut and eliminates them through our bowels. If your gut is building up odor-producing toxins produced by microorganisms, from poor digestion, and/or or dysbiosis, then activated charcoal adsorbs these toxins and eliminates them with your bowel movement so that they won't be absorbed into your bloodstream. The writes the following about charcoal, Activated (Oral Route),
Activated charcoal is used in the emergency treatment of certain kinds of poisoning. It helps prevent the poison from being absorbed from the stomach into the body. Sometimes, several doses of activated charcoal are needed to treat severe poisoning...full article:
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Translated into Spanish
by Natalia