Thanks to someone on the MSN Body Odor forum who is being the respected pioneer in this option, it seems that Sheffield Childrens NHS Trust is the tester of the TMAU urine sample via Medichecks. They do most of the TMAU urine testing in the UK.
We still don't know why they are sending sample kits and instructions that seem to differ from what they send NHS/private patients however, but progress is being made.
Their normal instructions are along the lines of:
The type of urine sample we would require is known as a 24 hour urine collection * during this period urine is collected into a 2.5 litre container with approximately 10cc of '5M' Hydrochloric acid to acidify the sample and stabilise the trimethylamine. (This is the same sample collection as for a urine Calcium test).They also have instructions in their entry on the site.
Your doctor should then send us a 20cc portion of this sample for us to measure:
1 Trimethylamine
2 Trimethylamine-oxide.
(The urine can be sent by 1st class post at room temperature).
The procedures, (and even interpretation of results) vary throughout the world, depending on the lab testing or how closely associated each lab is with others. The main problem probably being it's thought to be a rare and an unimportant problem, and so a few can set their own rules independently. We hope to get a list of test labs along with procedures and testing parameters here.
So for the DIY route in the UK, the only current known routes are:
Medichecks (£285) >>>>> TDL >>>>> Sheffield
other possible other no-hassle route (to be confirmed): Emed(£35)>>>>TDL (£160)>>>>Sheffield or you could ask a Dr to let you test via Sheffield. Either you pay (around £124) or the Dr pays.
The Sheffield Hospital is also known to do the Dimethylglycinuria urine test, which conventional medicine accepts as a bloodborne body odor condition (see this paper). Personally I am not sure why they don't test bloodborne body odor/halitosis complainants for all odorous volatile organic compounds, as was done recently by the Monell Chemical Senses Center to establish the odorous VOC profile (skin) of a normal person
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Sheffield Childrens NHS Trust
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