Richard sends us the following update on the anthology project specifying the deadline to submit your work to him.
Our publishing company for the anthology is Whitmore Publishing ( It has been approved by the Better Business Bureau as being a genuine, trustworthy publishing house. (Not every publishing company or magazine online is legitimate.) As they do not take paper, the entire manuscript will be emailed to them. I have informed them as to what the book will consist of and the approximate time it will be submitted, which is late December or early January.
I don't want anyone to believe that getting this book published will be easy. If it is not accepted by this publisher, we will go on to the next one. I have been in contact in the past with an author named Mike Flak who can give us some help should we need it. We will continually do the best we can to get this anthology in print. It is too important for us to ever give up on!
If you would like to contribute in some way to this book, please see the first anthology update on the Poetry/Stories board, dated October 19. I need to have your work completed and sent to me ( no later than November 21, 2008, which is the Friday before Thanksgiving week. It will be too late for me to accept anything after that date.
Also, the following members should click on the MESSAGES&REPLIES discussion, message on the Poetry/Stories board and please read the message especially intended for you regarding your participation in this project:
Stephanie C