One of the most important outcome of this blog and of the Thames Festival 2008 Meet-up in London is the initiation of the establishment process of an international charity corporation in the United Kingdom, whose purpose is to pursue funding for research in the various causes, treatments, and cure of body odor and halitosis, particularly metabolic body odors and halitosis. Arun Nagrath will be the scientist spearheading the research effort of this corporation, as a world-wide fundraising effort will be launched by members of this charity corporation for such a purpose. As I stated in my introductory letter in this blog, dated April 10, 2008,
The function of this blog is multifaceted as it serves as a channel between experts and sufferers to promote awareness and funding, and to achieve a good solution to enable sufferers to help themselves... The third important objective of this effort is to establish a world body odor & halitosis research center… Through this blog sufferers of various body odor forums, as well as other sufferers, can come together in larger numbers to provide the scientific community with data for research, surveys and questionnaires.As a result of sufferers uniting through this blog to support research, over 100 have come forward to participate in Arun’s scientific questionnaire in a period of only 2 ½ months since it went live on July 22, 2008. Arun will now compile and analyze the results in consultation with a specialist in metabolic medicine, and will draw up a more refined scientific study. As this process continues and the corporation is well established, an international concerted fundraising effort will be launch to assist Arun in acquiring the necessary means to pursue serious research. Arun has shared with us some of his ideas on the causes of body odor in some of the posts he’s done in this blog, such as, Arun speaks to us about his past studies and current scientific study of BO and Aruns opinion on body odor and halitosis. As I mentioned in my post, Arun’s intro video to the Thames Festival 2008 Meet-up,
He is not only a scientist who seeks answers to our physical condition, but he is also totally dedicated to the emotional and social healing process of all sufferers. By doing so, he stands out from amongst the rest to be our leader, our teacher, our confidant, and our guide, because each of us knows that he sees the real human being within each of us.It is precisely for this reason that we believe that Arun is the right person to research for a cure for us. He is one of us, he is dedicated to us as we are to him, and together we will find an answer to this malady. If you have not yet participated in Arun’s scientific questionnaire,, please do so before 11:59p.m. Eastern Standard Time Friday, October 10, 2008, as it will no longer be available after that time.