We had a very interesting conference call today that included callers from across the US, such as Tina from California, all the people Cabel mentions below, and Arun from the UK. And for the very first time ever, Kristen called us all the way from Australia!
Daisy and I are planning to contact the media from South Florida to tell our story, and Arun explained a great deal of scientific information to us. Kristen and I told of our plans to set up charity corporations in the UK and in Australia, and Kristen and Cabel are going to do a soundtrack together, even though Cabel is in Indiana and Kristen in Australia. Thank God for modern technology!
Below is Cabel's synopsis of this very special conference call as only Cabel can tell it, always adding a very special dimension to his storytelling interpretation.
Hey everybody,We had an awesome conference call today. It was definitely full of emotion and togetherness. It's awesome that we are coming together from all over the world! If you guys missed the call you missed Daisy bringing that Cuban fire! Haha...Also Arun went in depth with a lot of issues that I've never heard him talk about. Maria talked about the new corporation and talked in depth about the UK meet up. Then our Australian Idol Kristen came on the call and talked about her life and singing. Then of course we had Tisha and Trisha and Faith and Pauline and Greta from Texas and a whole bunch of people I am forgetting right now. Anyway, this was probably one of the best calls Ive been ok in a long time. I heard some people open up like I have not heard them do before. It was awesome. A big thank you to everyone who called in...definitely made my week!