An email was sent to the National Institutes of Health in the US and The Wellcome Trust in the UK about hosting a 3rd Trimethylaminuria conference. The NIH email was forwarded to GARD. An email has also been sent to ORD. There has been no reply as of yet. The NIH jointly funded the first conference/workshop (along with the Wellcome Trust), and presumably the 2nd also. At first it looked as if it would be a biannual meeting (the September 20 2001 scheduled conference was presumably postponed until 2002). Possibly there's a need for it to be an annual conference
there have been 2 trimethylaminuria conferences. One in 1999, the 2nd in 2002.
It's estimated about 1% could be at risk of trimethylaminuria, and the definition seems to have loosened over the years. Also, there are distinct differences in diagnosis testing by groups of testers in different countries, probably since there are so few testers. And with the maturing of the internet, sufferers are now surfacing in much greater numbers.
It would seem a good time for a 3rd conference.