General Conference Call for all sufferers
Sunday 2pm EST
It's time for the fortnightly General Conference Call, to which everyone is welcome. The last call had 52 callers. There is no need to talk in the call, you can just listen in. Here's the testimony of a happy caller last time (posted with her permission):
Arun,And in this MSN Groups post, Arun the main manager, pays tribute to Cabel, who set up the Conference Calls earlier this year:
You are so right in your posts regarding the ideology of family. The bond that you guys have established over the phone is so very real. And the group is so welcoming to any and all newcomers. I really reveled in how you all were quick to welcome others to the group. By the way, I will be less noisy when I come on the next time. I forget that with that ear piece, people can still hear me while I'm directing the kids, etc. What you do for the group, no one can put a price on that. The reassurance and the comfort that you offer makes all the difference in how someone can feel after speaking with you, and the group as a whole. I almost want to cry when I think of the benefit that the group offers for anyone suffering with Body Odor. My wish is that any one who is suffering alone could find the board and patch themselves in, so that they no longer have to feel isolated and detached. You -Arun, Cabel, Maria, Tisha, and many others are so totally awesome for all that you do on this board. I am near tears. I am reading them, even when I don't always respond. Kudos to all of you!
Cabel dude,phone-in details below (and in the sidebar):
You really are a hero for setting up these conferences. You know, this sort of thing has been tried on at least one other site I know, but never got anywhere despite there being a huge number of members on that site. So I guess that says a lot about us guys!
I sometimes used to wonder if there would be long quiet moments when people would have to think of what to say in the conferences. But what I have found is the opposite! It is sometimes difficult to get a word in edge ways due to the sheer volume of traffic! Infact, I think we will be forced to looking at doing additional conferences on Saturdays.
Cabel, I don't think we ever really thanked you for your work in supporting other members. So I would like to stop and say a little thankyou. You inject much thought in what you say and I like your pholosophical discussions. Like Maria, you are an integral part of this site and I can't imagine any future site without you in a similar role.
Arranged by the leaders at the MSN Body Odor support forum
Note: can also be used anytime for unscheduled group chats
Free USA-based phone conferences (if you have a long distance call plan. Otherwise you will be charged as a long-distance call)
For USA-based : (712) 432 1620 then type the access code on your phone keypad: 391629#
Non USA : prefix above with 001 but check to see if it is free with your supplier
General Conferences: normally every other Sundays 2pm EST.
Next call : November 9th at 2pm EST
Record number of callers : 70+
Callers last time: 52
If privacy is a concern, code your phone to PRIVATE mode
This phoneline can be used anytime to talk to other sufferers
You don't need to talk. You can just listen