According to one of our polls found on the sidebar of my blog entitled, 'bloodborne BO : when did it start?', of the 233 sufferers that have participated to date,
• 18 (7%) say it started from birth through 6 years of age, and
• 23 (9%) from the age of 7 through 10.
This means that 16% of the 233 participants developed body odor before puberty.
Here is a post in the 'Ask a Doctor Forum' of MedHelp, in which a mother asks a Pediatric Endocrinologist, Deanna L Aftab Guy, MD, Vanderbilt Children's Hospital, Nashville, TN, about her 9 month-old son who has bad armpit odor.
Dr. Aftab Guy's reply is that, "Body odor can be due to adrenal hormones or possible metabolic disorder..." She recommends in her answer to the mother of this 9 month-old boy with bad armpit odor to consult a geneticist who would usually workup metabolic disorders with a simple urine and blood work, if all previous tests they have done are normal.
TMAU is a metabolic condition, and there may be other body-odor producing metabolic conditions yet to be identified, as currently believed by some scientist. In addition to metabolic conditions, there may be hormonal problems that may be the either the sole cause of body odor or contribute to a metabolic odor sufferer. As sufferers, we can raise the following questions to the scientific and medical community,
• How would a metabolic condition and a hormonal condition interplay with each other, if at all?
• Are they both from the same genetic pathway, and if so, a genetic mutation would consequently disrupt the function of either one?
• Do hormones affect the malfunction of metabolic processes, or
• Does an increase of volatile toxins resulting from a metabolic deficiency affect glandular function?
It would be interesting to have answers to these questions.
related links on medhelp forums:
Fecal odor sufferer, 2002. They think it's from their anus
Fecal odor sufferer, 2003
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