This is a video from Dr Katz' collection of videos on his site. He is well known in the halitosis community for his Therabreath products and his quick demonstrations with the 'Halimeter', which seems to be a gas-sensing portable mass spectrometer designed to detect volatile sulfides in particular. However, on the halitosis forums, it's unclear how people feel about his products, so no comment can be made. He doesn't seem to explore the possibility of halitosis being metabolic/systemic/bloodborne, and the smell actually coming through the lungs.
In theory, both his products and his proof of diagnosis seem sensible. His products seem to be oxidizing/oxygenating products, which is probably the main way the mouth stops smelly anaerobic bacteria dominating the mouth flora. The cell enzymes in the mouth probably oxidize these compounds to neutralize them. In practice, each person will need to research themselves, and make up their own mind. Of course if the halitosis is bloodborne, it's not seemingly likely to have much impact
Of particular interest, in relation to bloodborne odors, is his 'halimeter'. This is the sort of test equipment that should naturally be used in odor detection, and you would think every dental lab should have one for halitosis cases. How good or useful the halimeter in particular is, is not possible to conclude. There are one or two research papers in pubmed but overwhelming evidence is not available.
Halimeter website List of some dentists with a halimeter
Dr Katz Therabreath blog
Dr Katz video library