Odour Survey Results on the blog wiki
On July 22, 2008, our scientist, Arun Nagrath, Pharmacist. BSc Pharmacy Hons, MSc., Postgraduate research in Odour Analysis, made public his scientific questionnaire/Odour Survey that was originally devised and modified in consultation with a consultant in metabolic medicine/TMAU and with the assistance of others in the internet body odor/halitosis community, with the intent of using the results to promote funding and research to find a better understanding of body odor and halitosis. See post, ARUN NAGRATH'S SCIENTIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE.
In the end, a total of 98 body odor sufferers participated in this endeavor. The data was collected, and on December 5, 2008, Arun posted the raw data of this questionnaire in the MSN Body Odor Support Group forum. Arun published this raw data in three separate thread postings, Medical History, Symptoms, and Treatment.
Rather than just writing his conclusions right away, he asks us, the members of this community, what conclusions we see from this data. In this manner, the members become involve in the analytical aspect of the data we submitted. Arun also invites us to have numerous discussions about this data. He believes that in the process of analyzing our symptoms and the various aspects of our experiences with body odor in our lives, we can better understand and heal ourselves as a community. Through this process, not only can we come up with a more on-target conclusion together, which he will then report in a more scientific manner, but we may also indicate the direction that further research should undergo.
Not only has an Odour Survey/questionnaire like this never been done before on such a scale, but it may very well be a world-first! We have used this blog as a means to bring sufferers and experts together for our common cause – to promulgate, support, and coordinate research efforts so as to better understand of our condition, and ultimately, to find a cure. We have proven to the world that we can stand up to the plate in large numbers and to provide a wealth of information in our efforts, be it an anthology or a scientific survey, to promote research to find a cure for our condition.
You can find the three-part copy of this Odour Survey on the blog wiki. Please feel free to draw up summaries, charts, and bars and graphs to help us all see the trends more clearly. If you don't know how to do charts, bars, and graphs on a computer, you can do it on graph paper and scan them or fax them to me. Just like we worked together on compiling our anthology, we can work together to illustrating this data in an organized and scientific manner. Let’s show the world yet again how we can come together and do an outstanding work that tells the world just how special and talented we truly are!
related links:
Arun's posts about the results on the MSN body odor support forum. Arun is the manager of the forum:
body odor symptoms
body odor treatment
body odor medical history
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