This is Part 2 of the interview with Mark Howard; Manager of Biolab Medical Unit in central London
Part 1 can be seen here
Other Biolab tests
IgE allergies tend to result in classical allergy symptoms, so most patients are aware they have a problem, but can’t necessarily identify the substance to which they are allergic. There are also non IgE mediated responses (IgG etc) that cause less severe, and often delayed, responses which are more difficult to identify. IgE reactions do not always lead to severe reactions, there are different levels of reactions, but severe reactions can be life threatening.
Allergies are more likely to be the cause of leaky gut as allergic responses in the gut damage the gut wall.
As IgA is something we don’t test for I can’t really comment on this. My reply regarding IgA tests also applies to IgG tests, with the addition that with or without IgG food allergy tests patients are likely to face a food exclusion diet/trial to establish the true effect any food groups may have on their health. As some of the IgG food allergy profiles are rather expensive some patients prefer to go straight to exclusion diets.
I guess this is possible, but I’m not aware that we’ve seen anyone with this problem.
Biolab tests for assessing detoxification capacity centre around essential minerals and enzymes either acting directly or as a co-factor (i.e glutathione, selenium, B vitamins etc.). These should be measured in conjunction with routine biochemistry and liver function tests to provide a wider picture of detoxification capacity.
At Biolab we are fortunate to have many tools for assessing mineral and toxic metal levels in addition to hair (serum, blood, urine, sweat, erythrocytes, white blood cells, function tests of nutritional status). Hair therefore isn’t always the most appropriate tissue to use and hair levels can be affected by growth rate, sample collection (we need short hair cut close to the scalp). In addition hair treatments and the quantity of hair supplied can be limiting factors. The test can be useful as an indicator of toxic metal exposure and minerals such as zinc, chromium and manganese if found to be low in the hair are highly suggestive of poor overall status. Electrolyte levels and other minerals have poor correlation with circulating levels. The test is perhaps most useful for screening children where a non-invasive test is desirable.
Most of our tests represent good value, but they are generally geared towards doctor and hospital clinics where nurses are available to collect blood samples. So our gut fermentation profile needs to have a blood sample drawn, but our gut permeability profile (which we’re about to re-launch – Spring 2009) can be performed at home and an aliquot of the urine sample posted to us.
The urine indicans test is an indicator of bacterial overgrowths in the gut and/or malabsorption, but it needs to be used as part of a screening process and is only likely to be positive in a relatively small number of patients (about a ¼ of patients with known gut problems).
It never ceases to amaze all of us at Biolab just how frequently we find micronutrient deficiencies, and the situation is deteriorating rather than improving. B12, folate, zinc, magnesium, selenium and B1, B2 and B6 deficiencies are regularly identified, essential fatty acid deficiencies and abnormal omega-3:omega-6 ratios are also very frequently observed. Vitamin D is definitely a problem, particularly, but not exclusively, at this time of the year. Of course the majority of patients being tested at Biolab are already unwell and are suspected of having sub-optimal micronutrient status, hence the referral.
We are also seeing an increasing number of raised levels of minerals and vitamins as a result of inappropriate supplementation and this is a growing area of concern. Nutrients in excess can be just as harmful as deficiencies.
final questions
* What are your thoughts on IBS and what do their test result trends look like ?
We have developed a list of disease related Biolab profiles which suggests tests for various diseases/diagnoses which is proving rather helpful to those unfamiliar with this field of medicine (see In our experience the patients who benefit most from Biolab tests are those who see a doctor who incorporates nutritional medicine with orthodox approaches, but aims to minimise the use of pharmaceutical intervention if possible. Dietary and lifestyle advice is also essential to obtain maximum, and long-lasting, benefit.
* What does Biolab have planned for the future ?
At Biolab we follow the advances in medicine, biochemistry and nutrition with keen interest (you wouldn’t believe some of our bedtime reading!), and we participate in meetings and conferences for patients, doctors and scientists, as well as arranging our own workshops, with the primary aim of identifying tools that would ultimately help patients. We continue to work to improve our trace and toxic metal analyses, we’re continually looking at, and optimising, our tests of gut function, we’re going to introduce an even more extensive essential fatty acid screen and we’ll be improving our antioxidant screen still further in the near future. We’re also continually reviewing our screening profiles, improving their usefulness and value.
If anyone would like to know more about any aspect of our work, please take a look at our web site at (due for a major update mid-2009), or contact us directly by E-mail:
SD Editorial, JNEM, Adaptive Capacity
Gut fermentation test datasheet
Fungal type dysbiosis information sheet