Mark Howard, Manager
Biolab Medical Unit
The STone House
9 Wymouth Street
London W1W 6DB, UK
February 2009
MH: It never ceases to amaze all of us at Biolab just how frequently we find micronutrient deficiencies, and the situation is deteriorating rather than improving. B12, folate, zinc, magnesium, selenium and B1, B2 and B6 deficiencies are regularly identified, essential fatty acid deficiencies and abnormal omega-3:omega-6 ratios are also very frequently observed. Vitamin D is definitely a problem, particularly, but not exclusively, at this time of the year. Of course the majority of patients being tested at Biolab are already unwell and are suspected of having sub-optimal micronutrient status, hence the referral.
We are also seeing an increasing number of raised levels of minerals and vitamins as a result of inappropriate supplementation and this is a growing area of concern. Nutrients in excess can be just as harmful as deficiencies.
Sorting fact from fiction
Vitamin deficiencies
Minerals the body needs
How much vitamins do I need?
Unfounded health claims.When vitamin supply is adequate your body automatically regulates circulating vitamin levels. Excess water-soluble vitamins are excreted in urine. Surplus fat-soluble vitamins are stored in body tissue. Because they're stored, excess fat-soluble vitamins can accumulate in your body and become toxic. Your body is especially sensitive to too much vitamin A and vitamin D...
Related posts in this blog: Summary Blog posts on vitamins/minerals
*Dr Ardith Brundt: "HEC 131 - Introduction to Nutrition " Chapters 7 & 8 @:
*Mosbey's Medical & Nursing Dictionary, 1983:pp1140-1145.
*"Vitamin and nutritional supplements- Sorting out fact from fiction amid a storm of controversy." From Mayo Clinic Health Letter @