As time goes by, it makes sense for the body odor and halitosis community to lobby politicians to do something about the said conditions. Especially since in most cases, it has nothing to do with hygiene, and sufferers are very clean and 'unwilling' sufferers. It is in most cases probably a medical condition. Probably the community will learn how to best organise themselves over the years, but perhaps a starting point is to write to President Obama using his contact form.
The next part of the plan is what exactly to write ? Again this will likely develop naturally as time goes by, but for now the blog has written the President informing him of the large number of sufferers of what is likely metabolic body odor, and asked him to instruct the NIH to set up a Body Odor and halitosis research center and clinic since this would be a very efficient way of dealing with the issue. It was also pointed out a smell & disorder clinic had been set up by the NIH many years ago, to what many may feel has a far far lower 'suicide/dismissal/unemployment rate' than body odor or halitosis.
Obviously we expect the letter to have no impact but you never know. Hopefully it will also stimulate ideas as to how to influence politicians, and what our aims are. Perhaps someday all politicians will be aware of metabolic body odor and halitosis, like any other medical condition.
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