The Australian Trimethylaminuria Foundation is continuing it's aim of finding ways to raise funds for Dr John Christodolou's TMAU research proposal. As well as a TMAU store for the USA, it also now has a store for Australia. By clicking through the links and purchasing whatever you want, the ATF will get a % of the purchase. It's a good way of raising money within the community, for the purpose of research. and the best bit is that you are buying things you would want anyway.
Bluesky announced the Australian TMAU store in the ATF yahoo forum. Here is the text :
Hello Australian members,
Have you heard of the TMAU Store yet? At no cost to you, you can support the Australian Trimethylaminuria Foundation simply by "clicking through" the store of links (make sure you click the link off the store, first), and then buying online as you normally would. A percentage, usually about 10-15% of the sale price goes to the ATF.
The products and stores listed are not limited to those for Body Odor, and there is even a Shop by Store page:
However, the TMAU store is US-vendor specific-- or you would have to use "International shipping" (which can take a while to arrive).
Now there is also an Australian version of the store at:
New vendors on this page include AUS/NZ based businesses such as:
Discount Vitamin Express
Cool Gifts (AU)
Apple AU
Apex Rent A Car Australia
Circuit Central
Eight Hotels booking (Diamant Hotel Sydney and Canberra, Kirketon Hotel Sydney, Hotel Altamont Sydney, Pensione Hotel Sydney, Pensione Hotel Melbourne, Cosmopolitan Hotel Melbourne)
CheaperThanHotels (last minute deals)
there are a bunch more for Travel, Insurance, Vitamins, Baby, Pets, Auto etc.
You can still shop through the main "US-based" TMAU Store ( ) and choose International shipping, most of the stores there provide that option.
Blue Sky