Many will know that Nigel Manning is responsible in the UK for setting up the only clinical trimethylaminuria testing unit in the UK, at Sheffield Children's Hospital.
Now Nigel Manning has kindly said we can post in this blog that anyone who has been tested by him for trimethylaminuria can contact him on his personal line or by email to ask about interpretation of their TMAU test results. This is very helpful, since often those testing have initiated the process themselves and had to initially convince a doctor to let them test. Nigel also says he is interested in clinical feedback from the testers (eg circumstances of odour, frequency, history etc)
Nigel can be contacted by those who have been tested by him by phone or email :
Nigel ManningNigel kindly done an interview with us earlier this year :
Principal Clinical Scientist
Dept. Clinical Chemistry
Sheffield Children's Hospital
Sheffield S10 2TH
Phone: 0114 271 7479
email :
Interview with Nigel Manning, tester of clinical cases of trimethylaminuria in the UK