A main problem with systemic body odor in particular, is the inability for the sufferer to smell themselves, and likewise with any 'loved ones' of the sufferer. The reason for this selective anosmia is currently unknown. Because of this, since most systemic body odor cases are likely to be transient, being able to monitor the smells would be very useful. Particularly in finding out which chemicals are responsible for the smells (e.g. trimethylamine).
There will be no specific detector on the market for detecting body odors, under the premise (probably wrongly) that there is not a market for it. For possible experimental alternatives, we are looking at other detectors on the market for certain industries.
A methane detector
Maybe someday we can rent such a detector, for say a meetup, or to study someone over a week. We must assume the detector may not be sensitive enough for such a use, but be hopeful that it is.