The correlation of organoleptic and instrumental halitosis measurements
Brunner F, Kurmann M, Filippi A.
Department of Prosthodontics, Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg, Germany.
The correlation of organoleptic and instrumental halitosis measurements.
Brunner F, Kurmann M, Filippi A.
Department of Prosthodontics, Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg, Germany.
Numerous detection systems are available for measuring halitosis. In order to examine their agreement, a study was conducted comparing four selected measuring methods in 100 subjects (52 females, 48 males; mean age: 25 years). Organoleptic halitosis measurement was carried out by an odor judge, and compared with instrumental halitosis measurement by sulfide monitoring using Halimeter, Fresh Kiss, and Halitox (halitosis linked toxin detection assay), with which both VSC (volatile sulphur compounds) and polyamines can be detected. The results show that the values recorded by the Halimeter correlated best with the organoleptic assessment and the least with the results of Fresh Kiss.Full paper can be read here : 3 halitosis measurement devices compared