The New York TMAU meetup group on was an innovative idea started 3 months ago to enable people in the New York area with body odor to get together, and had reached a membership of 7. At the moment it does not have an organizer, so it looks like anyone wishing to join and be the organizer can do so. Perhaps the page could be kept going by making the meetups less frequent than weekly to start with ? If an organizer is not found, the page will be deleted within the week. It seems a pity for the page to be deleted even if no meetings take place. To save the group, someone could even become the organizer and not organize any meetups, then it can be handed over to someone else when a volunteer arrives.
It would be good to see used for body odor and halitosis groups in other cities. Usually those with an odor problem cannot smell others with the same condition.
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