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Recently, we wrote a number of private DNA test labs asking if they would consider making genetic TMAU DNA testing available, which means DNA testing for known sub-normal FMO3 copies.
We have just been informed that will now offer the FMO3 DNA test (full sequencing) plus an interpretation report for $670 (please confirm when you book). A Doctor's request is necessary.
We are very grateful to for adding the TMAU DNA test. Currently this means that HBRI is still the most reasonably priced in the USA for the TMAU DNA test at $400 (and Dr Cashman who runs HBRI is a renowned TMAU/FMO3 expert) and HBRI also allow the public to test direct without doctor's orders.
Nevertheless we are grateful that has had the foresight to offer the DNA test, when most other labs do not.
MeBO Research will seek to make a TMAU DNA test available in the future whenever possible. We will offer the full sequencing form of testing, with low price and quality being the primary factors.
preventiongenetics TMAU DNA test requisition form
TMAU listed in list on site