Thankfully, the cold has not destroyed the Cherry Blossoms, and we'll have the opportunity to enjoy them at our meetup this weekend.
Hope to see as many people at the meetup !
I am so looking forward to our Washington DC Meetup this weekend, and we only have a few days before we begin our journey. I am looking forward to meet with everyone and would love to get the opportunity to speak with each person individually at some point of our meetup.
In addition to these two very important contributions to the conference part of our meetup on Saturday, April 9th, that begins at 11:00a.m./EDT, we will have a presentation by Dr. Cheryl Fields on Social Security Disability benefits in the US and the rights of employees who suffer from uncontrollable body odor conditions, and another presentation on Bromhidrosis by Glenna and Gloria. Neither Drs. Shephard and Cashmen, or Cheryl and Gloria can personally attend the meetup, so as result, we are planning on setting up a conference call for Cheryl and Gloria to call in. Since we're working on setting up the conference call, we are going to try to make it an international conference call. All the particulars have not been arranged yet to set this type of call, so please stay tuned for updates.
Nonetheless, after the meetup presentations are done, we will write posts and present these documents in MEBO's blog.
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As you arrive at the hotel or wherever you are staying in the Washington area,
and I will let you know where we are. This is MEBO's phone number in the US that goes directly to my cell phone. Most of us will be arriving on Friday, April 8th from all over the country, and hope to all be present in time for the Manager's Reception where we can share a special bonding moment from 5:30pm to 7:30pm as we sip on our complimentary alcoholic and nonalcoholic complimentary beverages before we go out to dinner as a group.
Breakfast will be served Saturday morning until 10:30a.m., and our meetup will begin at 11:00a.m. It saddens me to say that the persons from London who we hoped would be able to attend, will not be doing so this year; but I do hope they and others from all over the world are able to call in on the conference call. As with our bi-weekly conference calls that we hold in the United States, any one is more than welcome to just call in to listen without ever speaking.
Hope to feel the unity of those present at the meetup as well as all sufferers from around the world that will join us from afar, as we also feel very close to all the experts who have given of their time and their professional works to support us.
María de la Torre
President and Executive Director
MEBO's Blog (English)
El Blog de MEBO (español)