MeBO Research is happy to announce the opening of the MeBO Marketplace on a new and separate website, as a way of raising money which will be used to fund research into systemic body odor and halitosis.
MeBO is always looking at ways of raising funding for research into systemic body odor and halitosis, especially if at no extra cost to our community A good way to raise money through the internet is via affiliate linking, where people can click through the ad links and purchase goods from the online shops. This is how advertising works on the internet. No extra cost is charged on goods for the purchaser, and in this case MeBO will get a percentage (4-24%) of the transaction which will go to the MeBO Research Fund.
Currently we have Avon, Amazon, and Herbspro on the page, but will include many more over time. So for instance, if you regularly buy things on Amazon, you can go through to Amazon via the link on that page and MeBO will receive a % of your purchase at no extra cost to you. If you have any other shops you would like included you can let us know and we will check if they are part of the affiliate program.
Note :
MeBO is not given any personal details of transactions
MeBO only makes money on transactions, not on clicks
This site is not a part of, for organizational purposes