TMAU story in Chat Magazine |
Thanks to the bravery of 2 English ladies last week, TMAU has got more media coverage that breaks down the taboo about the subject of metabolic body odors and/or halitosis. Karen, who is a now well-known pioneer for raising awareness of and campaigning for research into metabolic odors and has recently appeared on TV, now follows up that appearance with an article in the popular weekly UK 'Chat Magazine'. Thanks again Karen.
TMAU story in 'That's Life' |
In the 2nd article, a brave lady tells her story to the popular weekly UK magazine "That's Life". We thank her for her courage. The 2 images are scanned copies of the articles and can be read, which we hope the ladies involved do not mind us posting. We also waited until the magazine copies were no longer available, so that any journailsts reading can see that sales will not be affected and probably increased due to the publicity here.
TMAU article in Chat : magnify-able
TMAU article in 'That's Life' : magnify-able
Note : A lot of these articles offer volunteers money (not much) for their stories, which is quite right. If anyone wishes to tell their story they are entitled to ask if they will receive a payment. They deserve it.