Benefits of the MeBO TMAU Urine Test Program
A note from MEBO Research's Managing Director
If you subscribe to the blog or have visited the site you understand that systemic body odor is a devastating disease that can strike anyone. As you have come to realize there is little to no research regarding the pathobiology of body odor disorders, effective treatments, or even cures. We are grasping even at a diagnosis so that we can try to understand and treat our specific conditions. So you may be asking yourself why should I spend money to test for TMAU?
Many general practitioners are unaware of TMAU or consider TMAU a very rare disorder. Unfortunately, it unknown how many people truly suffer from TMAU because testing is limited or sufferers are not sure whether to test or not because they do not smell like fish. As noted by MEBO and by Karen James, who spearheaded the raising awareness campaign in the UK, TMAU produces many other odor types.
To those that have already tested, we strongly encourage you to voluntarily submit your results to the MEBO database online. This can be found in the blog. A compilation of the community’s results, without any personal information, will allow the community and researchers to have insight into other results so that advances can be made. It will also give each person the tools needed to investigate trends, contribute ideas into a collective process that allows progression, and insight into body odor causes.
With our investigative know-how, we can contribute as a community to find a treatment or a cure.