TMAU : Do you think the TMAU therapy protocol works ?
There does not seem to have been any collective study to find out if those who have been 'diagnosed' with trimethylaminuria (TMAU) have had success with the therapeutic protocol designed for the 'disorder' (mainly low-choline low-carnitine low-TMAO no-cruciferous veg diet, charcoal and/or chlorophyll, low PH soaps, sometimes antibiotics, and probiotics). This is a 'snapshop' poll to see if any trend is apparent. One of the ironic things about TMAU is that normally the person nor 'loved ones' can smell the person, so monitoring is very difficult anyhow. Nothing definite can be deduced from the poll. An option is added for 'Non-TMAU' cases since many not diagnosed with TMAU often try the TMAU therapy protocol.
TMAU1 means 'genetic TMAU' (i.e. FMO3 deficiency)
TMAU2 means 'secondary TMAU' (i.e. normal FMO3 function but trimethylamine overload)
Anyone who has had TMAU1 and 2 suggested in different urine test results can consider themselves TMAU1 for the poll.