Commissioner Michael J Astrue of
Social Security Administration
or write to his office,
Send email to all four to ensure they have an opportunity to receive your emails. Too often we are told "...we have NOT received your e-mail(s)..."
(you can copy and paste or write your own version)
Persons who suffer from Trimethylaminuria (TMAU) experience a great deal of difficulty finding employment because of the odor this rare disorder creates. This makes it very difficult to properly provide for ourselves and our families, and produces a great deal of emotional distress resulting in serious mental health issues.
One of our TMAU community's active leader, Dr. Cheryl Fields' inability to schedule an interview or to be hired with the SSA office is a major concern for others who have TMAU who may also want to work in the Federal Government or with the Social Security Administration (SSA). We are all cognizant of how TMAU is a major obstacle in securing employment, especially in the very slow economy in which we currently live, wherein hundreds of unemployed apply for the same position. We will always be skipped over and someone who does not have body odor will get the job, no matter how qualified we may be. And worst of all, TMAU has not even been listed as a disability by SSA, leaving sufferers and their families with virtually no recourse!
A message from Dr. Cheryl Fields to those in our TMAU community who decide to become proactive in pursuing help by raising awareness:
Thank you so very much for standing up for me and for US. Together we can strive to get equal treatment. I just spoke with a lady today who had a job interview and of course because of the TMAU, she hurried out the door, without the interview even being conducted, she had applied for a Federal Government job. This is so sad.
We will NOT take this laying down. We have a right to work, or to apply for and/or receive SSA disability benefits, we have a right to be interviewed and to be hired for positions for which we are qualified for, etc.
Thank you gang. Let's flood the telephone lines and flood the e-mail boxes! We are STANDING UP in 2012 for our rights!
Very Sincerely,
Cheryl Fields, MBA, Ph.D. (ABD)/C
Dr. StillStanding
2535 S.E. Adams Street
Topeka, Kansas 66605-1232
PS: You can say that I asked for you all to write or call, you may use my contact information listed above.
410-965-3120, Social Security Administration Commissioner Astrue
PS: Pass this one to anyone who may benefit, including your family, friends, media contacts, etc., the more e-mails and calls they receive the better for all of us. YEAH! We can do this! Even if you are in an International area, please send an e-mail, we need your continued support and help. I am angry, upset, and disappointed about all of this! I am FIGHTING back!
Thanks Cheryl for leading our community toward positive and potentially powerful raising awareness campaign efforts.

Founder and Executive Director

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