On May 31, 2013, "Anonymous" said the following Comment in the post, Digestive System and Body Odor /Halitosis,
I know Maria has done questionaires before.......it would really help me right now to know if anyone else with or without tmau has fish odor, and if so how often compared to other odors......
There has been an ongoing poll in the MEBO Blog for a long time, and perhaps because it is located in the center of the center bar of this blog, it is not easy to find. Therefore, I have put it in this post, and urge anyone who has not voted, to please do so now.
Almost 500 sufferers have participated, and in total, 7 odor types have been described, plus "others" were declared. This seems to indicate that perhaps the type of odor varies in each individual from time to time, or that each person detecting the odor perceives it or identifies it differently.
Body Odor : Which odors are your concerns ? (1 or more)
Thank you for the strong participation in this post.

Founder and Executive Director

A Public Charity
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Boost diet update...I'm curious of the 29% of people stating they have a fish odor, how many tested positive for any form of tmau, how many tested negative for tmau and how many have never been tested for tmau????????? Does anyone who tested negative for tmau have a fish odor??????? If anyone tested negative for tmau but has fish odor it would help me if, without sharing personal information, you reply to this post to let me know. Thanx everyone for your help......
I will write a Survey as soon as I can within the next few days, with your questions, Anonymous/Boost diet. From what I've read and discussions we've had in conferences and meetups, there is a trend for sufferers who test positive for both Primary and Secondary TMAU to NOT smell mostly fishy, but instead, mostly fecal, garbage and sewage.
I see that your interest isn't about what TMAU+ people smell of, but rather, an analysis more focused on persons who do smell of fish though they still test negative for TMAU (even not borderline negative). Let's explore these questions with a survey.
FYI, this poll is not a scientific accurate study, though it does seem to paint a consistent picture of our "community snapshot." This poll is almost 5 years old, and from time to time, it has been buggy in that it would count backwards instead of forwards throughout the 5 years. I believe that the count of participants should be twice as much, if not more, to be more accurate, but the trend of fecal odor coming out ahead in the count has been constant, and the ratio among odors has been more or less consistent as well.
Thank you...I'm curious of all suffers with and without tmau....my odor is described by everyone as a fishy odor the majority of the time.........but all medical tests for obvious conditions are negative.......I do less often have a burning wood odor or fecal odor and sulfur odor.............its "supposed" to be the other way around people with tmau have fish odors.........strangers, familiar people, my doctors, a toddler in the store the other day who babbled fish, everyone says the same.......I'm curious if anyone withcand without tmau does too........but most intersting who without tmau does have a fish odor..........thank you for your help.......