The Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia has a long association with trimethylaminuria, mainly due to the association of Dr Paul Fennessey of University of Colorado Health Science Center where TMAU was first discovered, and Dr George Preti of Monell, who was at university with Dr Fennessey.
The Monell Chemical Senses Center now has a Youtube Channel. There is no TMAU related videos uploaded yet, but a previous webinar on the webinar platform with Dr Fennesey and Dr Preti is listed. With the Center's long association with TMAU, probably new TMAU videos will feature in the future.
Monell Chemical Senses Center Youtube Channel (MonnellCenter)
Monell Center Facebook page
For those that missed the Dr Preti & Fennessey TMAU webinar for earlier this year, here it is (taken from the MonellCenter youtube channel list of webinars)
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