I would like to invite these sufferers to examine one more aspect of the effects of the protocol they are following. Perhaps measuring the ketone levels in urine might give an indication of what could be going wrong.
Usually, when going on a very strict diet, sometimes referred to as a starvation and unhealthy diet, our bodies produce excess ketones, as an indication that it is using an alternative source of energy. Ketones are metabolic end-products of fatty acid metabolism. As Cass Nelson-Dooley, Clinical Consultant at Metametrix tells us in her March 24, 2009 interview for the MEBO Blog,
The smell of feces comes from short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and bacteria like E. coli. All the SCFAs have strong smells. Butyric acid is an SCFA and it smells like feces and even like body odor. E .coli has more of a mousy odor.
So basically, by going on an unbalanced, extremely strict low choline diet, we may very well be decreasing our odorous TMA level in our blood, but then we are putting our fatty acid metabolism on overdrive, producing a feces-like odor...
Unfortunately, sufferers believe that if they have TMAU, they have to starve themselves to keep TMA levels down. Sadly, precisely as a result of the very strict diet, some inadvertently create another metabolic condition that actually produces a different source of odor. Then, sufferers may feel that they don't have enough energy to do cardiovascular exercise because they don't eat enough food, so they fail to assist their cleansing organs like the lungs, kidneys and skin to clean the blood quickly and efficiently through the breath, perspiration and urine.
I recommend that sufferers read the post, "What to eat on a TMAU Low-Choline Diet," and to use Sonya McClinton's Simply Delicious: A Low Choline Recipe Book, as a tool to help develop a healthy diet. Her book includes seventy-five low choline recipes with the choline content and serving size listed for each. Categories include Light and Easy Breakfast Recipes, Simple Lunches, Delightful Dinners, Super Sides, and Decadent Desserts. These Delightful recipes prove that a diet low in choline does not have to be bland and tasteless. See links below to purchase your online/Kindle e-book. Sonya is a sufferer who wrote this recipe book to help other sufferers, and the cost is only $15.
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Note : If you don't have a kindle, if you click through the links above there is details on the right hand side of the page on how to download a free app to enable you to read the book on any device (PC, smartphone, ipad, tablet etc)
The key is to not let one's body go into starvation mode and to avoid relying on fatty acid metabolism for energy for long periods of time. Relying solely on fatty acid metabolism for energy increases ketone levels (odorous metabolic end-products of fatty acid metabolism) in urine, and long term absence of protein, carbs, fruits and vegetables is harmful to the intestines. Ask any gastroenterologist. Instead, the goal is to eat a healthy diet by working closely with the rate of our own individual metabolism by spreading out a relatively low choline intake throughout the day to "work with" our FMO3.
If your TMAU metabolic pathway is deficient, then break up one well balanced meal into two or more smaller meals to allow your metabolic enzyme to "keep up" with the daily necessary food intake in order to prevent it form allowing free odorous chemicals into the bloodstream.
Please don't do strenuous cardiovascular exercise inf you have put your body into "starvation mode" as your home ketone test may indicate. Eat healthy with enough calories and choline to stay healthy and to give you enough energy to do cardiovascular exercise in an effort to assist your cleansing organs, in order to not have odor.
I hope I have explained this in simple terms so that it makes sense. Best of luck to all.
Translation into Spanish: Dieta de habre y olor corporal y halitosis
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