MEBO is a sufferer–founded patient advocacy international Public Charity, with a fully volunteer staff. Everything MEBO has accomplished these past 5 years has been the result of volunteer work from sufferers, families, and experts in spite of the medical conditions sufferers battle with on a daily basis. Many are unemployed, underemployed, or experience job insecurity, since the odor becomes a liability at the workplace. Nonetheless, the strong spirit of sufferers propels the MEBO Mission as we grab on to hope in the pursuit of change brought about by research and by raising social awareness.
If we can accomplish so much with only will power, one can only imagine what we can attain with proper funding!
Since this PowerPoint was created, the new DLE TMAU Urine Test Program was launched by DLE-Medicina Laboratorial in Brazil, on January 6, 2014 for patients who wish to pick up their kits in person at the Sao Paulo or Rio labs, and kits are shipped within Brazil. It is hoped that the test will be extended to other countries in South America in the future.
Thanks to everyone in our community for playing a role in this movement!

Founder and Executive Director

A Public Charity (em português)
MEBO's Blog (English)
El Blog de MEBO (español)