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I wish that any research labs that have a potential cure sitting around would offer it to this rare disease community in some fashion. Recently, I learned that the Cleveland Heart Lab has DMB formulations patented that would help the TMAU community, but chose not to use it just now. So, as they're sitting on a patent,
it may be hard for other researchers to use that knowledge for our benefit.
I know it's good manners to be patient and passive with research labs, but gosh darn it, I wonder if they are aware of the enormous need out there.
Cleveland Clinic are working on a TMA blocker pill. We don't know how long it will take. It will be an over-the-counter pill made by P&G. They won't be using DMB as they will be using something stronger. DMB is a natural compound so can't be patented.
So you can be safe in knowing that work is going ahead on a tma-blocker pill and it will come to market as it is for heart disease protection.
Actually, there is a patent, not for DMB itself , but for the discovery that DMB will block the formation of TMAO. It is viewable online.