Karen is a longtime MEBO Volunteer Helper.
She wishes to remind us of a petition on change.org for TMAU, started by Rere.
Change.org petition.
To : Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Begun : 2016
The petition link is also on the Blog Sidebar. >>>>
It has 500+ signees, again suggesting TMAU is not rare.
Petitions as an awareness tool.
Petitions would seem a very useful tool for an unknown disorder such as METABOLIC BODY ODOR.
They show how many identify with this disorder.
A petition can go to anyone (many petitions are better than none), and over time it may become clear who best to target and the aim(s) :
People could start petitions to :
Politicians, Political bodies, Government agencies, Academic bodies etc.
Change.org seems to be the most popular and established world petition site.
There are also petition sites to country parliaments, such as UK petition site
MEBO will be happy to promote any petitions
start a petition on Change.org