It's unclear if the technology exists yet for a disorder such as Fecal Body Odor, or whether the will is not there (due to thinking there's no market).
So for now the Malodor community need to look around at what's available.
For Malodor disorders, an Esensor will likely need to be :
1. Very accurate
2. Detect low levels
3. Be handy and light (e.g. sensor for phone)
4. Inexpensive
Atmotube Sensor
This new consumer Esensor looks like the right track.
It says it detects VOCs (but not exactly which ones other than a list of some).
It's relatively cheap.
But it's probably early days for this technology (?)
Would Atmotube do for Fecal Body Odor ?
Very likely not, as it's not probably telling you data on each VO.C
And probably won't include most VOCs that may cause FBO.
It seems more based on toxins found in urban air.
But it's inexpensive and the right track, so maybe people will want to experiment with it and encourage the company.
It seems to be an indiegogo project from 2018.
Possibly it's the nearest for the FBO market since the 'foodsniffer', but more appropriate a device.
Someday the market will realise what a huge market the 'malodor sensor' market is (even for the majority that do not smell), but for now we have to wait or try out what is available/
Atmotube website
Atmotube offer on New Atlas
Does the future look good for a suitable Esensor for Malodor conditions ?
If anyone buys Atmotube you can let us know how it goes.
At this point, MEBO can't endorse AtmoTube.