Professor Irene Gabashvili, PhD., MEBO Scientific Director is conducting the MEBO - UBIOME community study on people with METABOLIC MALODOR, other MALODOR types, and PATM.
The full paper will be completed soon.
As it draws to a close Irene can look at the stats and show points of interest.
In Irene's recent AURAMETRIX blog post, Irene has focused on BLOODTYPE among the MEBO community and the world average.
Each participant was allowed to get 4 free Ubiome Stool Explorer test kits.
43 returned all samples and completed the questionaire.
8 returned 1 sample.
40+ got kits but didn't do the questionaire.
Quote from Irene on the results
The most common blood type in the world is O+ (~36.4%). About 4.3% have blood type O-. Blood types A+, B+ and AB+ are prevalent at approximately 28.3%, 20.6% and 5.1% respectively. Percentages for A-, B- and AB- are 3.5%, 1.4% and 0.5%.
These percentages may differ by country, but it appears that A- and B- blood types are less prevalent in MEBO population, while O and AB are more common.
Symptom-less diet was also different for different blood group types. Average Quality of Life score was 83, 92, 95 and 91 for O, A, B and AB groups, respectively (best for B, then A, worst for O), while MEBO symptoms were also least severe and most controllable for B- type, but worse for those with A antigens. The widest variation in MEBO symptoms was in the AB group.