This blog has over 300 posts as of now, and for a visitor who comes to it for the first time, all this information may be a little overwhelming, not knowing where to begin. Here are a few suggestions.
Start by using the ‘Search posts through Labels’ and ‘Search this blog’ features using the following keywords for example,
'enzymes’, 'halitosis', 'TMAU', ‘management protocol’, 'videos', 'tests', the name of your favorite expert in this field, and whatever else comes to mind. You might want to see my Intro letter .
Read posts on the experts' opinions, such as,
Aruns opinion on body odor and halitosis
Arun Nagrath on Vitamin B2 (riboflavin. The co-vitamin in the function of Flavin Mono-oxygenase enzyme)
You can also watch videos, such as,
video : introduction to probiotics
Genes for dummies: a simple video guide (4 parts)
Interviews with experts:
Interview with Dr. Robin Lachmann, PhD, MRCP, Consultant in Metabolic Medicine
Interview : Nigel Manning: The tester of TMAU urine samples in the UK
Interview with Cass Nelson-Dooley of Metametrix : Part I & II
Interview : Mark Howard, Manager of Biolab Medical Unit, London
Read posts on dysbiosis, such as,
Gut candidiasis (candida overgrowth) : The most common form of dysbiosis
The causes of intestinal dysbiosis: a review
Bacterial Dysbiosis
Could leaky gut be a factor in Fecal Body Odor ?
fecal body odor : one hypothesis : substrate overload?
Vitamin & mineral deficiencies : An unknown quantity in bloodborne odors
Research and community fundraising efforts,
ARUN NAGRATH'S SCIENTIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE (a new follow-up survey currently being drawn up)
Tell your BO experience : be a part of an anthology of short stories and poetry (anthology is now completed)
There are so many other relevant posts, but for now, I think that these are a good starting place to read.
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